
Controla Legislação por legit

MIT LicenseMIT



O objetivo deste projeto é criar parâmetros acompanhar alterações em textos legais utilizando softwares de controle de versão (como o git).

Objetivo extra

Fazer pelo menos uma casa legislativa (câmara municipal, assembleia estadual ou congresso federal) a adotar o Legit para controlar a criação de novas leis.


Retirado do comentario de nathanhammond em https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3967921:

nathanhammond 1593 days ago [-]

I've dreamed up something like this as well and realistically there isn't anything preventing us from using git to manage our laws. > As a strawman to beat up, here is an example of how it could work: git clone legislature/generalstatutes s/marijuana/sugar/g git commit -am "Turn sugar into a controlled substance." git request-pull

If interested, # git branch bill_12345
git pull nathanhammond/generalstatutes
// Continue editing the "Sugar as a controlled substance" bill.

Spin off to committee (read/write to committee members)
git clone legislature/generalstatutes
git checkout bill_12345
// Continue editing the "Sugar as a controlled substance" bill.
git commit -am "Committee updates."

Take a vote for leaving committee.
If successful, # git request-pull

General legislature takes a vote.
If successful, # git merge bill_12345 master --signoff (Legislators that voted for it.)


  • Encourages broader participation in democracy.
  • Cryptographically signed. We'll know if you voted for or wrote it.
  • Tracks history of all changes (at least at the commit level). If something comes out of committee very different from how it went in you can easily find every change.
  • Makes it easier for newspeople to identify how the law is changing.
  • An interface like GitHub over top of the repository could hide all of the complexity, allow for line-by-line comments, and general comments.
  • Registering to the interface with your voter ID could allow for representatives to identify or poll constituents.

O problema

Os textos legais (constituição, leis, resoluções, etc...) estão em constante mudança. Nem sempre há um controle da versão vigente.

A solução

Utilizar git para controlar alterações em leis.

A origem do conceito

Veja o TED talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEN4XNth61o