User Story

  • as a text analyser
  • I want to reorder and reformat a paragraph of text as follows:
    • words should be reordered Alphabetically - (Zerbra Abba) becomes (Abba Zebra)
    • words should THEN be ordered from upper case to lower case. Note point 1 takes preference. (aBba Abba) becomes (Abba aBba)
    • remove all (.,;') chars. (aBba, Abba) becomes (Abba aBba)
    • Do not remove duplicate words
  • so that I can easily read though the words alphabetically and easily see all the variants of different case


  • The user story test is most important. Other notes are of secondary importance.
  • if needed additional unit tests may be added
  • insure you are happy with the project structure
  • take into account we may want to swap console logger with event logger in future
  • although this is a simple test, please complete the code as you would for a production release