
🚰 A single-line ZSH prompt based on "Pure". Modified to include kube info as RPROMPT

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Pretty one-line ZSH prompt based on @sindresorhus's Pure


It is based on purer but adds support for kube-ps1 as an RPROMPT.


Requires Git 2.0.0+ and ZSH 5.2+. Older versions of ZSH are known to work, but they are not recommended.

  1. I don't care. Install it with whatever tools you want. No hipster-style npm --global installation or other bullshit included.

  2. Symlink pure.zsh to somewhere in $fpath with the name prompt_pure_setup.

  3. Install zsh-async if it's not installed already.


For a user-specific installation (which would not require escalated privileges), simply add a directory to $fpath for that user:

# .zshenv or .zshrc
fpath=( "$HOME/.zfunctions" $fpath )

Then install the theme there:

$ ln -s "$PWD/pure.zsh" "$HOME/.zfunctions/prompt_pure_setup"

See Pure's readme for more detailed instructions.


Purer supports customization using Pure's environment variables, plus:


Defines the prompt symbol color. The default value is magenta; you can use any colour name or numeric colour code (see zshzle(1) section Character Highlighting.)


Defines how to display the path. Default value: %c. See Prompt Expansion for more.


Purer MIT © David Furnes
Pure MIT © Sindre Sorhus