Adds blog-like comment functionality to Radiant.
This software “works for me”, but it may not work for you, depending on your particular environment or setup. Feel free to modify it in any way. If you do make changes that would be useful to others, please send a patch to ryan at artofmission (dot you-know-what), and I will see that it gets applied.
Requires Radiant 0.6.7 or greater.
Requires will_paginate Rails plugin (
Requires fastercsv 1.2.3 or greater.
To copy the supporting files to your public directory, run:
rake radiant:extensions:comments:update
Remember to run the migration. This WILL delete any snippets named ‘comment’, ‘comments’ and ‘comment_form’ if these exist.
rake radiant:extensions:comments:migrate
To enable spam protection, you will need to set your Akismet or Mollom key and url in the Radiant config.
To enable the Akismet protection, get yourself an account at for your personal blog or at for your commercial sites. Then set your personal key and url in the Radiant::Config.
For example:
script/console production Radiant::Config['comments.akismet_key'] = "6a009ca6ab4e" Radiant::Config['comments.akismet_url'] = "" exit
To enable Mollom protection, get yourself an account at, add your site and set the public and private key pair in the Radiant::Config.
script/console production Radiant::Config['comments.mollom_privatekey'] = "deadbeef012345" Radiant::Config['comments.mollom_publickey'] = "c00fee012345" exit
If both services are configured, this plugin will use the Akismet service. Unset the akismet_key if you want to use Mollom.
To customize the CSV fields you can add an initializer like this:
Comment.class_eval do def export_columns(format = nil) %w[approved? author author_email content referrer] end end
<r:snippet name="comments" />
The snippets “comments”, “comment” and “comment_form” are created by the migration. These can be found under snippets, and can be customised after your needs. Check out the 002 migration to see what they default to.
Relative urls will not work on comment pages if they fail validation, since the page gets re-rendered at a (probably) different level of the hierarchy. Always use absolute urls and you won’t have any issues.
Jim Gay of, sponsored by
Michael Hale of, sponsored by
Nathaniel Talbott of, sponsored by
John Croisant
Jon Leighton
Witter Cheng
Keith Bingman
Sean Cribbs
Ryan Heneise
Frank Louwers (thanks to Jan De Poorter for the Mollom ruby lib)
If you contribute, go ahead and add your name to the list!