
A Simple Restful API implemented with NestJs for a secret gift sharing application.

Primary LanguageHandlebars



This is an API that was built using NestJS. It is a Rest API and can perform all rest functions . Users can make requests to retrieve, create, edit or delete information.

Table of Contents


  • There is a user table with authentication
  • THere is a groups table that contains a list of groups users can belong to
  • There is a pivot user-group table that connects users to groups

Concepts Employed

  • Associations
  • Authentication (cookie and jwt)
  • Foreign Keys
  • Validations (Pipes and Guards)
  • Emailing (nodemailer and @nestjs-modules/mailer)
  • Handlebars Email Templating
  • One time password (otp)

Built With

  • NestJs
  • Postgres
  • Redis
  • Docker


  • node
  • postgres
  • redis
  • docker (optional)

Installation of This Repository

Once you have installed the requiered packages shown on the Required Installations, proceed with the following steps

Clone the Repository,

your@pc:~$ git clone https://github.com/frankly034/secret-santa-api.git

Move to the downloaded folder

your@pc:~$ cd secret-santa-api

Install all packages

your@pc:~$ npm install

To test

your@pc:~$ npm test

Docker (alernative)

Ensure you have docker desktop installed

Clone the Repository,

your@pc:~$ git clone https://github.com/frankly034/secret-santa-api.git

Move to the downloaded folder

your@pc:~$ cd secret-santa-api

Run with docker-compose

your@pc:~$ docker-compose up

Future Improvements

  • ...


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

