
In this homework, you will use movie data to practice mapping components in React.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Movie DB



We'll be building a simple movie application that renders movies and genres to practice mapping over components and passing data with props. You'll be creating 2 new components to accomplish this.

Getting Started

  • Fork and Clone this repository
  • npm install to install our dependencies
  • npm start to spin up our app
  • cd into the src directory and mkdir components to create a folder for our components



Within the data folder in src take a close look at the structure of the data in movies.json.

  • What does this data look like?
  • What sort of information can we get about each movie?

Import the data from movies.json into App.js.

import movieArray from './data/movies.json'


Next we'll need to create 2 components in the components folder. One component will be for an individual movie, while the other will be for the genres of a movie.

  • In your Movie component, set it up to accept data from props and render it with JSX
  • What data can be taken from the array of data in movies.json?
  • You'll need at least a title, release date, overview, and image for each movie
 import React from 'react'
 const Movie = () => {
    return (
        // JSX for movie data from props here

export default Movie;

Now we'll need to make a component for an individual Genre within the array of genres for each movie.

  • Let's keep the JSX simple, since we'll only need to be taking in the name of the genre from props
  • The important aspect of this component is styling, we want to know what each genre is at least by color
  • In the JSX for rendering a genre name in the Genre component, we'll need to add in some conditional styling. A switch statement above our return may be useful here.
  • After setting up a switch case to set a variable for colors associated with each genre name that could be coming in from props you'll need to apply it with inline styling in the JSX
  • To style inline, add a style prop on the tag you want to affect and open 2 curly brackets up. Styles are camelCased key value pairs with 'strings' for values. Just an Example:
  let myColorVariable;
  switch(props.genre) {
    case 'some genre': 
      myColorVariable = someColor.associated.with.a.specific.genre
      myColorVariable = 'some cool color'

  return (
      // EXAMPLE of inline styling without a variable
      <p style={{ backgroundColor: 'darkslateblue', color: 'rgb(255,255,255)' }} >{props.genre}</p>

      // EXAMPLE of inline styling WITH a variable
      <p style={{backgroundColor: myColorVariable, color: '#000000'}} >{props.something}</p>
  • Add a specific background color for each genre associated with the movies in movies.json


Now that you've completed both components, you'll need to import them both into App.js and map over the data array from movies.json to pass props to them

  • After importing both components into App.js you'll need to start by mapping through the data array
  • This can be done either in the return of App.js. Example for mapping in the return:
  return (
      {movieArray.map((movie, index) => (
        // Do something here inside the map
  • Inside your map, start by rendering a <div> as a wrapper for each movie and its associated genres
  • Within the wrapper <div> render the <Movie /> component and pass the necessary data from the array as props into the component
  • Now comes the fun part, mapping over the nested array of genres for each movie!
  • Below the <Movie /> component and within the wrapper <div> start a new map method for the genres array of each movie and pass in the genre as props. Example:
  {movieArray.map((movie, index) => (
        // Movie component here

        // nested map here
        {movie.genres.map((genre, index) => (
          // Render each genre for a movie here by passing props into the Genre component
  • And with that, you've just rendered a nested array with mapping!
  • Make sure to style each movie component to create a professional looking app


  • All movies from movies.json should be rendered on the page
  • All genres for each movie should be rendered on the page
  • Each genre should have a unique color associated with it

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