
In this lesson, we'll introduce Express and how it makes setting up a back-end server easy!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Intro to Express




Express is a library we'll use to make web servers for our front-end applications to query our databases.


  • Review the HTTP request / response flow
  • Explain the role of a web server in a full-stack application
  • Write a route handler for a GET request with Express
  • Pass information with query and route parameters
  • Respond to a GET request with data from a database


You may have seen http or https while browsing the web before. What you may not know is that HTTP is the structure of messages that all information travels in over the web.

When you visit a webpage in your browser, you type in a URL like https://wizardingworld.com/. What's technically happening here, is you're making an HTTP request. The browser sends a message to the Harry Potter web server that speaks HTTP: "Hey, can I have the contents for the domain wizardingworld.com, at the path /news?

The web server sends an HTTP response back with the HTML content of that website. Magic!

This HTTP request and response cycle is at the heart of the web. You might have already wrote HTTP requests - the JavaScript function fetch() makes HTTP requests, and provides HTTP responses back to you.


Where Express Fits In

Express is a JavaScript library to set up your own web server, which listens for different kinds of HTTP requests, and serves the right response.

We'll use Express solely as a JSON API server. Our database might contain information about quidditch matches. Our React-powered front-end application will make axios calls to our server to, say, get all the matches at /api/quidditch-matches.json.

In working on the web server, it is your job to write code to listen for a /api/quidditch-matches.json HTTP request, query information from the database, and then send it back to the front-end in an HTTP reseponse.


To use Express, you'll add the package on a project by project basis with npm:

npm i express

Express Boilerplate

To use Express, we require() the package, create a new Express application object, and finally start the application "listening" on a specific port:

const express = require('express');
const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000;

const app = express();

app.listen(PORT, () => {
  console.log(`Express server listening on port ${PORT}`);

Our server won't do anything just yet, this is just boilerplate to use Express.


Our First Route

In Express, you define a route in a server.js file. A route is a path the user makes an HTTP request for, such as GET /, and a handler function that takes care of that request. Like this...

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  res.send("You're a wizard, Harry!");

Whenever an HTTP request to http://localhost:3000/ is made, the handler function is called. This function has access to two variables: req and res which represent the HTTP request (any information the user sent along to us) and the HTTP response (any information the server bounces back).

You might end up doing a lot in these route handler functions. One thing they have to do is send an HTTP response back, which we're doing here with res().

When a user visits http://localhost:3000/ in the browser, they'll see "You're a wizard, Harry!" displayed on the page. Note that if they go to http://localhost:3000/news, we see an error message "Cannot GET /news" because that's a different path that we haven't defined a route for.

Running an Express Server With nodemon

A web server is a long-running process, which you could just run with node server.js. This would spin up your server once. However, since you'll be editing the server files and continuously testing it, you would have to stop the node server.js process and restart it after every change. Ain't nobody got time for that!


Let's use a cool package called nodemon instead. We add this on a project by project basis:

npm i nodemon --save-dev

Then modify the scripts section in the package.json file to add a start and dev script. This allows us to run npm start to run a one time spin up of our server or npm run dev to run our server with nodemon:

"scripts": {
  "start": "node server.js",
  "dev": "nodemon server.js"  

Say it with me: Magic!


You Do

In our Express server in server.js, let's define the following routes:

 - GET /                  Response content: "Welcome to my webpage"
 - GET /favorite-food     Response content: Your favorite food
 - GET /favorite-movie    Response content: Your favorite movie
 - GET /about-me          Response content: A little autobiography
 - GET /contact           Response content: Your preferred contact info

Route Parameters

If you consider two URLs:

  • goodvibes.com/article/how-to-improve-your-drumming
  • goodvibes.com/article/the-best-vibraphones

You could safely assume that both of these URLs are articles, just with different URL slugs: how-to-improve-your-drumming and the-best-vibraphones. By convention, if a part of the url contains two words, we join them with -. This is known as "sluggifying".

When writing an Express route, you can access the dynamic parts of the path by declaring them as route parameters:

app.get('/article/:slug', (req, res) => {
  // { slug: 'how-to-improve-your-drumming' }

In the path definition, add a colon before a meaningful name for the parameter. You'll have access to the dynamic value inside of the req.params object.

Lesson Recap

We were introduced to Express, learned about HTTP requests, and how to set up basic Express server boilerplate. We also got some practice in with setting up routes. All in all, not too bad of a lesson!

