
In this lab, we'll practice SQL Joins with a real estate database.

Real Estate Fun with Joins!

Real Estate


In this lab, we'll be getting in some practice using SQL Joins by working with a real estate database.

Getting Started

  • fork and clone
  • cd into the directory


You have been given a schema file and a seed file that will be used to build a real estate database. The database will have four tables:


These represent some of the apartment buildings on Gersh.com. Before getting started, take some time to go through the schema file to understand what fields, data types each table requires and how the tables are related. This is important!

Part 1- Create database and run schema

Run the schema.sql file using psql -f schema.sql. This will create your database and set up the schema.

Part 2 - Populate database

Run the seed.sql file using psql -f seed.sql to insert the records into the database. You DO NOT need to edit the seed file! It has been set up for you.

The database is named real_estate_db. Connect to it in psql to test your queries.

Assignment - Queries

In the real_estate_queries.sql file, write queries to do the following:

  • Retrieve all info on the first 10 tenants (Hint: use LIMIT)
  • Retrieve the name, age, and gender of the first 10 tenants
  • Retrieve all info on all tenants older than 65
  • Retrieve all info on all tenants in apartment with id 20
  • Retrieve all info on all tenants in apartment with ids 20 or 21
  • Retrieve the names of all doormen and the address where they work
  • Delete all tenants whose age is greater than 65
  • Change all doormen from building 3 to work night shifts.
  • Create one new tenant, put them in any apartment you want
  • Find just the ids for all apartments for building with id of 2
  • Find all info for apartments in building number 3 whose price is greater than $2300
  • Geriatric Birthday! Update all tenants whose age is 90 to be 91


NOTE: The real_estate_queries.sql file already has the questions inside (commented out) with a line for you to write your queries. You can run psql -d real_estate_db -f real_estate_queries.sql to run your queries, comment out the prior queries so they don't run again once completed. q to exit the prompt.