
In this lab, we'll recreate an old favorite using Vue this time.

Primary LanguageVue

Vue RAWG Router



We will be building a frontend website with Vue, Vue Router, and the RAWG API. We'll be getting practice with routing dynamically with vue-router elements and with making API calls with axios inside of Vue Lifecycle Methods. Try to think of this lab like a puzzle, where you'll be adding in the pieces we need to create a functioning website.

  • API Documentation
  • The endpoints (URL strings) we will be using with this API have been provided below. Starter code and component files have also been provided.

Retrieving An API Key

Head over to this link Here to get your own API key. You'll want to add this API key to a .env and add the .env file to your .gitignore.


[GET] Search `https://api.rawg.io/api/games?key=${API_KEY}&search=${searchQuery}`
[GET] Genres `https://api.rawg.io/api/genres?key=${API_KEY}`
[GET] Game Details `https://api.rawg.io/api/games/${gameId}?key=${API_KEY}`
[GET] DLC `https://api.rawg.io/api/games/${gameId}/additions?key=${API_KEY}` (Bonus)

Getting Started

  • Fork and clone this repository
  • npm i to install dependencies

App Architecture

Let's take a look at the structure of the app we've just cloned. You've been provided with all of the components you'll need to complete this exercise.


Note: The app will show an error until Step 2 is complete.

Step 1: Setting Up Routes

Let's start with main.js.

You can see that the router has already been wired up for you here. You'll just have to write your own routes.

Head over to router.js. In here, we've scaffolded the Vue Router for you:

import { createWebHistory, createRouter } from "vue-router"
import HomePage from './pages/HomePage'
import GameDetails from './pages/GameDetails'
import ViewGames from './pages/ViewGames'
import AboutPage from './pages/AboutPage'

const routes = []

const router = createRouter({
  history: createWebHistory(),

export default router

You'll need to create your own routes and add them to the routes array utilizing the following table:

Component Path Name
Home / 'Home'
ViewGames /games 'ViewGames'
GameDetails /details/:game_id 'GameDetails'
About /about 'About'

Step 3: Setting Up The Router View

In App.vue, you're provided with the following:

  <div id="app">
      <!-- Nav Goes Here -->
      <!-- Router View Goes Here -->

  export default {
    name: 'App',
    components: {}
  • You'll want to utilize the NavBar component and add it between the provided header tags. Remember to import the NavBar component and add it to your components object.
  • Don't forget to use the router-view component as this is where our components will get rendered. You can add it in between the provided main tags.

Step 4: Loading Initial Data

In HomePage.vue, you've been provided with a few methods and some initial state. In this component, you should fire an axios request that retrieves a list of genres in the getGenres method. This method should be invoked once the component is mounted and should update the genre state.

  • Once you've retrieved a list of genres from your API, iterate through the genre state and return a GenreCard for each item.
  • The GenreCard should accept the image and name of each genre as props. You'll need to wire these up in the GenreCard component following the included prompts.

Step 5: Setting Up Search Functionality

In HomePage.vue, set up a form within the provided search classed tag. It should be displayed above the provided h2. This form should have an input and a button.

  • The value of the input should be searchQuery
  • handleChange should be used to update the searchQuery state
  • The @submit event should fire the getSearchResults method which in turn should update the searchResults array.
  • The searched state should be updated to true once the results are retrieved. If the the state is true, conditionally render the provided div with class of genres to be hidden. The ! operator may be useful here.

Step 6: Listing The Search Results

Now that we have the search results in state, you'll want to bring in the GameCard component in HomePage.vue. You should return a new card for each item in the searchResults array.

  • You'll need to import the GameCard component.
  • Pass the name and image of the game as props.
  • Display these props in the noted sections within GameCard.
  • Don't forget to declare which props it will be receiving.

Step 7: Navigation To Game Details

Next we'll want to select a game and view the game details.

  • Attach an @click event to the GameCard component, it should trigger the selectGame method.
    • Hint: You can invoke the method to provide the gameId during the @click event.
  • The selectGame method should navigate you to /detail/:game_id. The game_id parameter gets replaced with the provided gameId argument.
    • Hint: this.$router.someMethodThatNavigates may be useful here.

Step 8: View Game Details

Once you've navigated to the GameDetails component, you can now start wiring the component to display some information.

  • Utilize the getGameDetails method to make a request to retrieve the game information by the game id.
  • Look at the props currently stored in the Vue Devtools. Utilize that to retrieve the gameId and provide it to the request.
  • The getGameDetails method should be triggered once a component mounts.

Some JSX has been provided for you. You'll have creative freedom on what information to display here. The only requirements are the component must display:

  • The cover image for the game
  • The title of the game

Add a back button that allows you to go back to the home page.


Display a list of the game's most recent posts from its subreddit page in the GameDetails component.

Create two pages for ViewPlatforms and PlatformDetails to display the platform information available through the API.

  • Hint: This will likely require more components as well


For completion you must have:

  • All parts of the lab completed not including the bonus. (Steps 1-8)
  • Make the genres clickable, this should navigate you to a new page where it displays a list of games by that genre. (Hint: This will require a new route and axios call).
    • The API endpoint should resemble the following: https://api.rawg.io/api/games?genres=<genreid>&key=<your key>
  • This page should display each game and it's rating prominently and users should have the ability to sort games by rating.
    • You should have a dropdown to sort the games either in descending or ascending order.
  • This page must be professionally styled and match the theme of the current application.

Super Duper Mega Doppler Bonus

Build the ability to paginate results for this page.