Notion links to blog post

This node script takes a CSV export of a Notion link database and turns it into a markdown or HTML formatted blog post.

For now, it assumes that your database contains the following:

  • Name: title of the page
  • URL: the page URL
  • Summary: a brief description of the link
  • Tags: a category

It will export to a file and also copy output to your clipboard.

Get started

Make sure you have node and npm installed.

Then: npm install


You can run this with node index.js input-file.csv >

Optionally, include the parameter format set to html to output to an HTML file. For example:

node index.js input-file.csv --format=html > output.html

This script is also designed to be run directly and aliased from your bash profile. Once you give it execution rights, you can just run:

./index.js input.csv >