
🥝 Kiwi is a little programming language

Primary LanguageTypeScriptISC LicenseISC

Kiwi 🥝

Kiwi is a little programming language. It is dynamically typed and interpreted.

Try it on the Kiwi playground!

fun fib(n) {
   if n < 2 {
   } else {
	fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

print "Calculating fib(15)"
print fib(15)


The Kiwi VM supports expressions, basic types (Boolean, String, Double and Integer) and local variables.

I’ve worked through some iterations of Kiwi, and they’re in different branches:

  • main: Version currently being worked on. Dynamically typed, interpreted and meant to eventually have a JIT. The VM is written in Nim and the parser/scanner are written in TypeScript.
  • llvm: Version I worked in the past and am still experimenting with. Statically typed and compiled to native code with LLVM. It is far from finished; right now only floating point types are working (writing a type system is hard!) and there are expressions, if-else conditions and while loops.