
Thin wrapper over java.util.UUID plus some convenience transformation/type-coercion fns

clj-uuid-utils Build Status

Thin wrapper over java.util.UUID plus some convenience transformation/type-coercion fns.


Add the following to your project.clj dependencies:

[org.clojars.franks42/clj-uuid-utils "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"]


Require clj-uuid-utils library:

(ns myapp
  (:use [clj-uuid-utils]))

(def a-random-uuid (make-random-uuid))

(def a-uri-from-uuid (make-uri a-random-uuid))

REPL examples:

Continuous Integration

The testing of the "clj-uuid-utils" project itself is integrated with Travis CI, and the test scripts are run on clojure version 1.5, and on jdk 6 and 7.

Build Status


Copyright (C) 2013 Frank Siebenlist

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.