
Runs npm-check in the current working directory and posts the results to Slack. Compares the installed package versions with their latest available versions.

Build Status Coverage Status dependencies Status Greenkeeper badge Maintainability node code style License Status


npm install -g npmcheck2slack

Or run without installation

npx npmcheck2slack --help


npmcheck2slack --help

  Usage: npmcheck2slack [options] <webhookuri>

    -v, --version              output the version number
    -u, --username <username>  username to be displayed in Slack, defaults to channel settings
    -e, --emoji <emoji>        emoji to be displayed in Slack, e.g., ":ghost:", defaults to channel settings
    -b, --branch <branch>      branch name to be displayed in Slack
    -r, --reluctant            do not send any message if all dependencies are up-to-date
    -h, --help                 output usage information