
Unity code challenge. Used to test the development skills of those candidates looking to join our engineering team.

Primary LanguageC#OtherNOASSERTION

Code Challenge: Unity

Cross-platform Mobile Game Development Skills Assessment

Repo Location: https://github.com/tim-lynn-clark/codechallenge-unity


This Unity code challenge provides each candidate a consistent and fair opportunity to demonstrate the skills they have developed and practiced over their years of software engineering.

Additionally, the challenge allows each candidate the ability to go above and beyond to make sure the development manager and team can see their unique combination of skills and abilities and better understand why they should be the newest member of our amazing team.

The challenge is designed to test the development skills, processes & procedures, git workflow, methods, and problem solving used on a daily basis during software engineering. It is anticipated that the majority of candidates will NOT complete the entirety of this code challenge.

The extent of the requirements are simply there to provide candidates with options to move forward in the challenge if they become stuck on any one requirement. This also allows the same test to be used to assess developers with skill levels from entry to senior to architect.

Simply do your best to complete as many of the requirements as possible within the time allotted. Please document in your code when you get stuck, your thoughts as to why you became stuck, and what you tried to become unstuck before moving on to another requirement. This documentation can go a long way in helping the team understand why you did not complete a requirement, where we can help you develop as a professional, and your problem-solving methodology. Don't let this challenge stress you out, we simply want to see what you can do and just as important how you do it!

Project Description

For this challenge, you will build a side-scrolling 2D mobile game that allows players to interactively kick cancer's trash by destroying caner cells, think Super Mario Bros.


API Setup

We will keep this quite simple.

  • Fork this repository to your own GitHub account
  • Setup and initialize a new Unity game application within the newly cloned repository

Note: You will be required to provide the repo URL to your fork of the code challenge. It is expected to be under your personal GitHub.com account. please make sure the repo is publicly accessible. Keep in mind, we want to see how you develop, this includes how you use Git in your development process.

Verify that the new Unity project:

  • Builds
  • Runs


Where the fun really beings

  • Development environment setup instructions


  • Player has a score that begins at 0
  • Player runs on ground
  • Player can jump
  • Player can double-jump
  • Cancer cells move on ground from right to left
  • Cancer cells can also move in the air from right to left
  • When player lands on a cancer cell, the cell is destroyed and the score increases
  • When player runs into a cancer cell, the player loses some of their score
  • Ground continuously moves from right to left
  • Player can move right or left based on user input (you choose what the input will be)
  • Player should not be able to move off screen
  • Player actions should be animated (jumping, running, etc.)
  • Cancer cells should be animated (movement, pulsing, etc.)
  • Different types of cancer move at different rates
  • Different types of cancer are worth different score amounts
  • Different types of cancer have different looks and animations
  • ... Now, go above and beyond. Add your additional features to this list


  • Use unit testing wherever possible to ensure your game continues to function as you modify the code base.