
A simple producer/consumer example that demonstrates usage of mutual tls (mtls) connections to Kafka. Certificates involved are managed by cert-manager. It uses the rdkafka gem, which is a wrapper around the librdkafka c++ client.

Deploy cert-manager to your Kubernetes cluster.

helm install cert-manager oci://registry-1.docker.io/bitnamicharts/cert-manager -f cert-manager/values.yaml

Create the certificate issuer.

kubectl apply -f cert-manager/issuer.yaml

Create the certificates.

kubectl apply -f kafka/certificate.yaml

Deploy Kafka to your Kubernetes cluster.

helm install kafka oci://registry-1.docker.io/bitnamicharts/kafka -f kafka/tls.yaml

Deploy a container for testing the Producer and Consumer.

kubectl apply -f kafka/ruby-pod.yaml

Open up a terminal and lanuch a consumer.

kubectl exec --tty -i ruby -- /code/consumer.sh

In a separate terminal, produce some messages.

kubectl exec --tty -i ruby -- /code/producer.sh