

  • Up: Rotate
  • Left: Move left
  • Right: Move right
  • Down: Move down (or drop it lol)

We'll be using Reprocessing. Check out the docs here: https://schmavery.github.io/reprocessing/index.html

Some useful stuff you'll probably want to use:

Reason API: https://reasonml.github.io/api/index


npm install


npm run build


npm start

To build to JS run npm run build:web and then run a static server, like python -m SimpleHTTPServer and go to localhost:8000. If you're using safari you can simply open the index.html and tick Develop > Disable Cross-Origin Restrictions.

To build to native run npm run build:native and run npm run start:native

The build system used is bsb-native.

Forked from https://github.com/bsansouci/reprocessing-example