Gravity - a Sublime Text UI theme.

The goal is to create a theme for Sublime Text that feels right at home on macOS.


Gravity One

Reverse Gravity

Install using Package Control

You can easily install the Gravity theme by using Package Control from the Command Palette:

  1. Enter Package Control: Install Package
  2. Search for Theme - Gravity

Applying Gravity theme

Activating the theme

Using the Command Palette, search for UI: Select Theme and select one of the following:

  • Gravity.sublime-theme
  • Gravity One.sublime-theme
  • Reverse Gravity.sublime-theme

To use any of the following, open your settings from the menu Preferences > Settings - User

Apply the macOS title bar:

"gravity_title_bar": true

Apply one of the two UI Tab height options:

"gravity_tab_height_tall": true
"gravity_tab_height_short": true

Apply the macOS accent color (use only one). Gray is default:

"gravity_highlight_color_blue": true
"gravity_highlight_color_purple": true
"gravity_highlight_color_pink": true
"gravity_highlight_color_red": true
"gravity_highlight_color_orange": true
"gravity_highlight_color_yellow": true
"gravity_highlight_color_green": true
"gravity_selected_tab_bold": true

Apply the sidebar header (padding):

"gravity_sidebar_header": true

Apply previous version sidebar and tab label size.

"gravity_org_label_size": true,

Syntax color schemes

Monokai Gravity

Shown in the Gravity screen-shot above.

  1. To apply, search for UI: Select Color Scheme using the Command Palette
  2. Select Monokai Gravity

One Dark Gravity

  1. To apply, search for UI: Select Color Scheme using the Command Palette
  2. Select One Dark Gravity

Reverse Gravity

Sorry, no syntax color scheme supplied. But I'm sure there are plenty to choose from in Package Control.

App icon

Sublime Text 4 app icon replacements designed to fit perfectly in the macOS dock.

Download the orange or white app icon.

Download the orange or white app icon with outset outlines.

Sublime Text 3 app icon replacements.

Download the orange or white app icon.

Download the orange or white app icon with outset outlines.

Sublime Text 2 app icon replacements.

You can also download the Sublime Text 2 versions.

To install the app icon:

  1. Select Sublime Text in your Applications folder.
  2. From the Finder menu, select File > Get Info
  3. Drag the .icns file on top of the default Sublime Text icon in the Get Info window.

Trouble shooting

1) Font descenders are cut off in the file UI tabs

Apply this setting to your Settings - User file.

"gravity_tab_font_small": true

2) The "Find" feature appears to be hidden behind the status bar.

When switching themes in Sublime Text, it will retain the height for the Find bar set in the previous theme. Sometimes this will cause the bar to appear hidden behind the status bar.

To fix, simply grab the bar and pull-up.

3) Missing sidebar icons.

Installing and switching themes in Sublime Text may cause some sidebar icons to not show. Disabling installed/inactive themes via Package Control should fix the issue.

Usage license

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.