We recommend to visit our website in order to analyze our data and get the developed paper.
List contains part of the 27 languages from the 23.02 Benchmarks Game Study:
- C
- C++
- C#
- Go
- Haskell
- Python
- Rust
- Swift
- BubbleSort;
- CycleSort;
- HeapSort;
- InsertionSort;
- MergeSort;
- OddEvenSort;
- QuickSort;
- SelectionSort.
Multiple arrays of random integers with different sizes.
- 25 000
- 50 000
- 100 000
Generated array with Python script:
python helpers/generate_array.py $N_ELEMS 0 100000
To get a CSV with the results, use the following commands:
$ bash algorithms.sh
$ bash compile.sh
$ bash all.sh
CSV files with the results will be generated in the directory results