
Final project of the subject Web Applications in Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Internprise is an application that put in contact students, universities and enterprises thanks to internship programs. Graded with honors to two of our members

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Logo Internprise

What is Internprise?

Internprise is a web application that supports the task of finding internship for university students as well as their hiring by enterprises. This process is managed by an administrator that belongs to the university and that behaves as an intermediate among these two entities, pre-accepting offers and applications.

Internprise Workflow

In addition, is also a social network in which each student has a personal profile with his skills that make easier the task of finding the job that fits him best. Get Internprise for your university and start offering to your students job opportunities for their last university courses.


All dashboards

  • Sign up as user with three different roles: Administrator, enterprise or student

  • Have access to settings, where the user can modify his profile, personal information or update the avatar (This last feature is not available to the administrator)

  • Use the search engine to find profiles of students and enterprises

  • See the profile of any student or enterprise that belong to the network

  • See the last news thanks to the widgets that are located in the index page of every dashboard

Administrator dashboard

  • Accept or reject new offers created by an enterprise

  • Accept or reject new applications of the students to the previosly accepted offers

  • Expire contracts that are out of date

  • Check all the offers, applications and contracts

Administrator Dashboard

Enterprise dashboard

  • Create new offers, selecting the recommended skills,the target careers and the proper information for its acceptance by the university

  • Accept or reject student applications that have been previously accepted by the adminstrator. Once is accepted, a new contract is created using the dates specified in the offer

Enterprise Dashboard

Student dashboard

  • Request internships among all the available offers for the student's carreer

  • Start a contract with an enterprise if the adminsitrator and the company accept the application

Student Dashboard

Application structure

Application structure

