
Stock Market API made with Django

Primary LanguagePython

Stock Market Service or How to present a github repository for a technical challenge

📝 Table of Contents

Live Site


Deployed in a linux server hosted in DigitalOcean using gunicorn and nginx. The database engine chosen is PostgreSQL taking advantage of the DBAAS (Database as a service) features provided by DigitalOcean. SSL Certificates by Let's Encrypt are used to secure the site. The site is accessible only through HTTPS.

How to use it

🏁 Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. First clone the repo and then run the following commands:

There are two options with two steps each:

with Makefile

  • Step 1: make install # will create a new environment with venv, then will install the required dependencies listed in requirements.txt
  • Step 2: make run # will run a development server for the app in localhost:8000

with docker

  • Step 1: docker-compose build # will build the image
  • Step 2: docker-compose up -d # will start the image, this will run a development server for the app in localhost:8000

For development usage you can change the ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY used by the system modifying the file stock_market/settings/.env.dev before building the image.


To install and run with make you need to have python 3 installed. To run it with docker you need to have docker and docker-compose installed.

🔧 Running the tests

python manage.py test

🎈 Usage

The app has two endpoints, one to register for a new API key and the other one to get the stock data. The code for the endpoints can be found in the api/views.py file. The request and data process of ALPHAVANTAGE API is done in api/services.py. The sign up fields validation is made in authentication/serializers.py.

Use localhost:8000 to access the api in local mode.

You can also try the app by going to https://stock-market-service.pandol.sh/api/v1/

Obtain API Key

  • url: https://stock-market-service.pandol.sh/api/v1/register/
  • method: POST
  • Receives name, last_name and email. Email is unique.

Example request

curl --request POST \ --url https://stock-market-service.pandol.sh/api/v1/register/ \ --header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \ --form name=Dave \ --form last_name=Mustaine \ --form email=examplemail@email.com

Response 33cee8a8b96dafasd23bcd38315a0a98f3b821

Get Stock Data

  • url: https://stock-market-service.pandol.sh/api/v1/symbol/<str:symbol>/
  • Receives symbol in the url.
  • Requires an API key in the header.

Example request

curl --request GET \ --url https://stock-market-service.pandol.sh/api/v1/symbol/ibm/ \ --header 'Authorization: Token f1d263b4fde5550ba0cff55db25042bfe5915063'


{ "last_refreshed": "2022-07-29", "close_value": "130.7900", "open_value": "129.5200", "high_value": "131.0000", "low_value": "129.3100", "variation_between_last_two_days": 1.5699999999999932 }

⛏️ Throttling

Throttling rules

  • Anonymous users: 100 requests/day
  • Authenticated  users: 1000 requests/day

Error message when throttled

{ "detail": "Request was throttled. Expected available in 86399 seconds." }


The class RequestLogMiddleware write a row in a log file called apicalls.log every time a request to the API endpoints is made, listing the request method, the url and the authenticated user. RequestLogMiddleware is in api/mixins.py


[31/Jul/2022 13:56:08] [INFO] [API_REQUEST] GET /api/v1/symbol/ibm/ user@example.com

[01/Aug/2022 00:31:01] [INFO] [API_REQUEST] POST /api/v1/register/ AnonymousUser

TODO & Ideas

  • Refactor api/services.py to be able to handle multiple sources of data. Maybe move process_data to a new class Parser to make it more generic.
  • Add a new endpoint to get the stock data for a list of symbols.

⛏️ Built Using

✍️ Authors