################################################################################################ Documentation for Screen Template by Bootstrapious - http://bootstrapious.com, rel. 2015/03/07 ################################################################################################ Hi, thank you for downloading. Have fun and tell your friends about us ;) Ondrej from Bootstrapious CSS ---------- The theme stylesheet is css/style.default.css. If you want to make any changes, you can do it here or better to override it in custom.css so you can update the original theme stylesheet if an updated is released. Javascript ---------- Apart from Bootstrap JS components and jquery.onepage-scroll majority of JS is located in /js/front.js. Onepage scrolling is activated for screen widths > 1000px, if you want to change it, do so in front.js. Credits --------- - Botstrap 3.3.2 - Font Awesome 4.3.0 - jQuery One Page scroll - https://github.com/peachananr/onepage-scroll - Google Fonts - Montserrat + Cardo --------------------- LICENSE CONDITIONS --------------------- You are completely free to use this template for your personal use or as a work for your client as long as you keep the link at the template footer pointing to us and our partner. If you would prefer removing the backlink from the theme footer, please donate (https://bootstrapious.com/donate) to support themes' development. Suggested amount per template is $10. However you cannot redistribute the template nor its derivatives on the internet - neither for free or commercially (e.g. selling it on template marketplace). Thank you for understanding and respecting the license conditions. If more info needed, contact me at hello@bootstrapious.com. --------------------- GET IN TOUCH ;) --------------------- https://twitter.com/bootstrapious | https://google.com/+Bootstrapious1 | https://www.facebook.com/bootstrapious | hello@bootstrapious.com