
Service-like OpenSignals architecture barebone for Rapid Application Development

Primary LanguageJavaScript


ServerBIT (r)evolution is a barbone example application, which can be run like a service, designed to demonstrate the OpenSignals client-server architecture. You can use and modify the source code under the terms of the GPL licence.

This architecture uses the Tornado event-driven networking engine in an approach where a Python backend handles the connection to the device, and streams the acquired data in near real-time as JSON-formatted structures to a client over the WebSockets protocol.

Although this code is currently used for BITalino, it is completely general purpose.

ServerBIT.py connects to a device as per the configurations stored in a config.json file, expected to be found in the user home directory under a folder with the name ServerBIT. If it doesn't exist it is created automatically the first time the server is launched.

ClientBIT.html is an example HTML/JavaScript test client, which connects to ServerBIT and opens a connection to a specified BITalino device to acquire data from A1 (EMG data as of early-2014 units) and draw it on the browser in realtime.

Pre-Configured Installers

We have prepared user-friendly installers that already include a Python distribution with all the dependencies. The following instructions should guide you through the initial steps needed to reach a viable and repeatable configuration. For illustrative purposes, let's consider that the MAC address of your device is 01:23:45:67:89:AB


  • Download and install ServerBIT: http://www.bitalino.com/downloads/ServerBIT_win64.zip
  • Launch ServerBIT (a connection error message should appear on a command line window)
  • Close the command line window
  • Go to your the ServerBIT directory on your home folder and edit config.json
  • Replace the text WINDOWS - XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX | MAC - /dev/tty.BITalino-XX-XX-DevB by the MAC address of your device (the resulting line should be "device": "01:23:45:67:89:AB")
  • From now on whenever you launch ServerBIT it should automatically connect to your device and continuously stream data (to stop simply close the command line window)
  • A configuration test can be made using the ClientBIT.html page found on the ServerBIT directory on your home folder

Mac OS

  • Download and install ServerBIT: http://www.bitalino.com/downloads/ServerBIT.pkg
  • Execute the ServerBIT_Launcher app to create the configurations folder
  • Execute the ServerBIT_Killer app to stop the server
  • Go to your the ServerBIT directory on your home folder and edit config.json
  • Replace the text WINDOWS - XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX | MAC - /dev/tty.BITalino-XX-XX-DevB by the Virtual COM Port (VCP) address of your device (the resulting line should be "device": "/dev/tty.BITalino-89-AB-DevB")
  • From now on whenever you execute the ServerBIT_Launcher app it should automatically connect to your device and continuously stream data (to stop simply execute the ServerBIT_Killer app)
  • A configuration test can be made using the ClientBIT.html page found on the ServerBIT directory on your home folder
  • IMPORTANT NOTICE: Currently no visible feedback is provided on Mac OS... see the troubleshooting section bellow for a check list of potential problems

Running from Sources


  • Python 2.7 must be installed
  • BITalino API and dependencies installed
  • PySerial module installed
  • Tornado module installed

Testing ServerBIT

  • Launch the ServerBIT.py script using your Python interpreter to create ServerBIT directory on your home folder and config.json file
  • Edit config.json on a text editor and change the device property to the MAC address or Virtual COM port (VCP) of your BITalino device
  • Launch the ServerBIT.py script using your Python interpreter
  • Once a message similar to LISTENING appears in the console the server is ready to receive a connection
  • Open ClientBIT.html on your web browser
  • You should start to see the instruction call log on the page body and a real time signal corresponding to A1 on ClientBIT.html

Settings in config.json

  • "device": MAC address or Virtual COM port (VCP) of your BITalino device
  • "channels": List of channels to be acquired from the device (e.g. [1, 6] acquires channels A1 and A6)
  • "sampling_rate": Sampling rate at which data should be acquired (i.e. 1000, 100, 10 or 1 Hz)
  • "port": Port through which ServerBIT will be streaming data
  • "labels": Human-readable descriptor associated with each channel acquired by the device, and that will be used to name the properties on the JSON-formatted structure created for streaming (NOTE: BITalino always sends a sequence number, two digital inputs and two digital outputs, hence the 5 first entries in the "labels" array)


  • Verify that your device is turned on... its one of the most common cause of problems :D
  • Double check the config.json to confirm that the MAC address or Virtual COM port (VCP) of your BITalino device is correct and correctly formatted
  • Make sure that the port listed on the config.json file matches the one on your client
  • Depending on how you are accessing the server, confirm that the client is connecting to the correct IP address
  • If your home folder has non-standard ASCII characters modifications to the ServerBIT source code may be needed
  • Launch the ServerBIT.py script using a Python interpreter to obtain additional information about the error
  • Post an issue in this repository and we'll try to support to the best of our abilities


H. Silva, A. Lourenço, A. Fred, R. Martins. BIT: Biosignal Igniter Toolkit. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Volume 115, 2014, Pages 20-32.

M. Lucas da Silva, D. Gonçalves, T. Guerreiro, H. Silva. A Web-Based Application to Address Individual Interests of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Procedia Computer Science, Volume 14, 2012, Pages 20-27.