
Starter template for Routify


default template

blog template

Get started

Default starter template

To use this starter run npx @roxi/routify init in an empty folder.

Blog template

To try the blog example, run npx @roxi/routify init --branch blog

Alternatively, you can clone this repo.

Npm scripts

Syntax Description
dev Development (port 5000)
dev:nollup Development with crazy fast rebuilds (port 5000)
dev-dynamic Development with dynamic imports
build Build a bundled app with SSR + prerendering and dynamic imports
serve Run after a build to preview. Serves SPA on 5000 and SSR on 5005
deploy:* Deploy to netlify or now
export Create static pages from content in dist folder (used by npm run build)

SSR and pre-rendering

SSR and pre-rendering are included in the default build process.

npm run deploy:(now|netlify) will deploy the app with SSR and prerendering included.

To render async data, call the $ready() helper whenever your data is ready.

If $ready() is present, rendering will be delayed till the function has been called.

Otherwise it will be rendered instantly.

See src/pages/example/api/[showId].svelte for an example.


  • For SPA or SSR apps please make sure that url rewrite is enabled on the server.
  • For SPA redirect to __dynamic.html.
  • For SSR redirect to the lambda function or express server.


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