Mercado Libre Test
Test project that helps you to search and visualize Mercado Libre products.
This project uses:
- Detekt and Spotless
- Timber
- Moshi and Retrofit2
- Glide
- Groupie
- RxJava2
- KotlinX Coroutines
- Dagger
- Hyperion
- FacebookShimmer
- CanaryLeak
- Mockk
- Jacoco
This project provides a pre commit hook that runs both detekt and spotlessCheck to avoid code smells, format the code and run ktlint for code styling. To enable it run in the root of your project:
git config core.hooksPath .githooks
Ways of running Jacoco for test coverage reports:
- Run the
from android studio - Navigate to the root of the project and run from the terminal
./gradlew {module}:testDebugUnitTestCoverage
- Run the