
Practicing prototypal inheritance in JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

JavaScript Prototypes LAB


You are going to take over the Javascript world with a new army of Soldier objects.

  • Create a new soldier constructor function that allows you to create soldiers
  • A soldier should be able to have a name and number
  • The default type of a solder should be footsoldier
  • The soldier's number should sequentially increase
  • Each soldier in the army should have the same battleCry, an alert of "FREEDOM!"
  • Your army should have a general, and who's type is general
  • Your general's number should be incremented inline with your footsolders


$ npm install
$ mocha

    ✓ should have Object as its prototype
    1) should have a number
    2) should have different numbers for different soldiers
    3) should have footSoldier as its default type
    4) should return FREEDOM! when battleCry is called

    5) should be derived from Soldier
    6) should have a name
    7) should have a number
    8) should have general as its type
    9) should return FREEDOM! when battleCry is called

    10) should be derived from Soldier
    11) should have a name
    12) should have a number
    13) should have footSoldier as its type
    14) should return FREEDOM! when battleCry is called

  1 passing (43ms)
  14 failing

Happy Coding!!