
The mono-repository for Hull connectors and supporting libraries

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hull Connectors

This is a monorepository containing all official Hull connectors and supporting libraries.

Setup overview

The repository is configured using yarn workspaces feature.

Root of the repository contains:

  • workspaces definition in package.json
  • linting configuration and dependencies
  • building/transpilation configuration and dependencies
  • flow types configuration and dependencies
  • jest configuration and dependencies
  • common production dependencies

Then separate packages are defined here:

  • pacakges/connectors/*/package.json - connectors
  • packages/*/package.json - supporting libraries

How repository is built/linted/flow tested?

There is one configuration in the root of repository, the whole project is linted, flow tested and built as one package. Everything from packages/* directory is transpiled into dist/* with the very same structure. After babeljs build rest of the files such as assets are copied into the dist.

How packages are tested?

Linting and flow testing is global (look above). Tests are done in two different ways:

  • new tests are using jest framework and it's run globally across whole repository
  • some of packages are still using deprecated mocha framework, so when performing tests, yarn is getting into every package/workspace and run test script

How to add new connector hull-foo?

  1. copy the code into pacakges/connectors/hull-foo
  2. make sure that the name in package.json is hull-foo (some steps depends on it)
  3. remove all unnecessary dev and prod dependencies from package.json (look at root package.json to see what can be removed)
  4. remove all unnecessary npm/yarn scripts for linting and building
  5. plug in testing:
  • if tests are written in deprecated mocha framework keep test script which runs the mocha tests, but include a special babel js file to make sure transpilation is applied: mocha --require ../../root-babel-register
  • if tests are written in new jest framework go to jest.config.js file and add your connector paths
  1. make sure that links to hull packages are local:
"hull": "link:../../hull",
"hull-connector-framework": "link:../../hull-connector-framework",
  1. remove all unnecessary configuration files: .eslintrc, .babelrc, .editorconfig etc.

How to start connector in dev mode?

First copy the env file and fill it in: cp packages/connectors/hull-foo/.env-sample .env.hull-foo

Then you can start it with the yarn dev script: dotenv -e .env.hull-foo yarn dev hull-foo

How to start connector in production mode?

First build the production dist: yarn build

Then given you have the env file in place (if not look above), you can use bash script to run: dotenv -e .env.hull-foo bash scripts/bash-entrypoint.sh hull-foo

How to test single connector?

Run jest packages/connectors/hull-foo if the connector is already on jest.

If on mocha run yarn workspace hull-foo run test.

How to lint single connector?

Run eslint packages/connectors/hull-foo

Client-side code

How to build client packages

Client assets will be built during the build phase that's triggered when calling yarn build. If you want to manually build a single client package, checkout the section below.

How to build a single client package

To build the client files for a package, using Webpack, first ensure your files to be built are in the /src folder at the root of the package. (For instance hull-google-analytics/src)

Then, run yarn build:client hull-google-analytics

The files will be built in the hull-google-analytics/assets folder

How to serve javascript compiled files in Development

The simplest way is to have your connector rely on packages/server/server, and pass devMode to true -> The connector will automatically pass the files in /src through webpack

Receiving data from Hull in Development

The easiest way to get a connector to receive data from Hull is to start it locally and expose it using a public URL and enter this URL in the new connector URL box in your Hull dashboard.

To make this easier, call yarn ngrok xxx. For instance, to expose the hull-typeform connector, call yarn ngrok hull-typeform. Ngrok will start and expose the https://hull-typeform.ngrok.io URL to the web (Assuming your Ngrok credentials are configured already, See https://ngrok.com/docs#authtoken)

Note You must also boot your connector using yarn dev hull-typeform - the yarn ngrok command is not doing this for you.


Monorepository has one global version and changelog.