
☸️ helm v2.9.1, gcloud, kubectl, jq

Primary LanguageDockerfile


Docker Pulls


This Docker image includes helm along with:

  • gcloud
  • kubectl
  • envsubst
  • jq

And helm plugins:

  • viglesiasce/helm-gcs.git
  • databus23/helm-diff


Docker images are automatically built on Docker Hub:

  • Docker tags correspond to Helm release versions.
  • latest is always the latest fully released version (non-RC).
  • master is always the latest commit on master.


docker build -t devth/helm .

Release procedure

Use the following to:

  • Bump VERSION in the Dockerfile
  • Commit and create tag matching the version

NB: the sed syntax works with MacOS built-in sed.

# works on macOS
sed -i '' "3s/.*/ENV VERSION $VERSION/" Dockerfile
git diff # ensure it looks good
git commit -am "Bump to $VERSION; fix #$ISSUE"
git tag $VERSION
git push && git push --tags

Optionally test building the image before pushing:

docker build .


To re-build a particular tag we need to delete the git tag locally and remotely:

git push origin :$VERSION
git tag -d $VERSION

Then re-tag and push:

git tag $VERSION
git push --tags