PhD Animal ecologist. Working on species co-occurrence analysis, behavioural ecology, and stress signals.
Tuscia UniversityRome
Pinned Repositories
Generated data, code and results from Wolfe E., Cerini F., Besson M., O’Brien DA. and Clements CF. 2022. Spatiotemporal thermal variation drives diversity trends in experimental landscapes
data, code and results from Cerini F., O’Brien DA., Wolfe E., Besson M. and Clements CF. 2023. Phenotypic response to different predator strategies can be mediated by temperature: high-resolution data from protist microcosms.
Three spreadsheets excel file. The first contains the 1/0 matrix for Odonata of British Columbia we used for the metacommunity analysis. The second is the list of sampled sites with the environmental variables; the third is a subsample of the sites in sheet 2 but with additional information on the landcover categories of such sites. The data were used for the paper ICDIV-20-0264.
Data, code and Supplementary Material for the "Are we zoning out? Biases in the assessment of protected areas zoning and a blueprint for a way forward" by Cerini et al.
Data from field observation and laboratory experiments performed on avoidance pattern between the spectacled salamander (Salamandrina perspicillata) and the centipede Scolopendra cingulata
franzmatches's Repositories
Generated data, code and results from Wolfe E., Cerini F., Besson M., O’Brien DA. and Clements CF. 2022. Spatiotemporal thermal variation drives diversity trends in experimental landscapes
data, code and results from Cerini F., O’Brien DA., Wolfe E., Besson M. and Clements CF. 2023. Phenotypic response to different predator strategies can be mediated by temperature: high-resolution data from protist microcosms.
Three spreadsheets excel file. The first contains the 1/0 matrix for Odonata of British Columbia we used for the metacommunity analysis. The second is the list of sampled sites with the environmental variables; the third is a subsample of the sites in sheet 2 but with additional information on the landcover categories of such sites. The data were used for the paper ICDIV-20-0264.
Data, code and Supplementary Material for the "Are we zoning out? Biases in the assessment of protected areas zoning and a blueprint for a way forward" by Cerini et al.
Data from field observation and laboratory experiments performed on avoidance pattern between the spectacled salamander (Salamandrina perspicillata) and the centipede Scolopendra cingulata