
🗿 An browser on Atom

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

 Pane Browser

🗿 An browser on Atom

Atom Pane Browser


want to reduce window switching during development!


apm install pane-browser


'ctrl-alt-b': 'Pane Browser: Open'
'ctrl-alt-c': 'Pane Browser: Open from clipboard'

# mac
'.platform-darwin atom-pane atom-pane-browser':
    'cmd-r': 'Pane Browser: Reload'
    'cmd-alt-i': 'Pane Browser: Open devtool'
# windows
'.platform-windows atom-pane atom-pane-browser':
    'ctrl-r': 'Pane Browser: Reload'
    'ctrl-alt-i': 'Pane Browser: Open devtool'


  • Pane Browser: Open
    Open the PaneBrowser to the right pane
  • Pane Browser: Open from clipboard
    Open search results with clipboard contents
  • Pane Browser: Reset all state
    Delete all holding state
  • Pane Browser: Reload Reload the current page on current browser
  • Pane Browser: Open devtool Open devtool on current browser
  • Pane Browser: Capture
    Capture page on current browser
  • Pane Browser: Capture @2x
    Capture page (width x2, height x2) on current browser
  • Pane Browser: Capture @3x
    Capture page (width x3, height x3) on current browser


  • gh|github For example, gh://nju33/atom-pane-browser will be https://github.com/nju33/atom-pane-browser


  • defaultScale [default: 1.0]
    Scale size in the state without doing anything.
    (In other words, the transform: scale (n) of <webview/>)
  • minifyZoomLevel, [default: 0.7]
    When the menu button is clicked, the page reduction ratio applied
  • user agent, default: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13B143 Safari/601.1
    When the menu button is clicked, the applied user agent

Interpretation of URL

  • Begin with https
    Access as it is
  • Only 4 digits or more (e.g. 3000 4567 8888 33333)
    Interpreted as port number, accessed by localhost (e.g localhost:3000)
  • When . and : are included
    Interpret as url and access (e.g. example.com localhost:3000)
  • other
    Google search