This is the source repository of the R Views blog. The blog is rendered through the blogdown package. If you want to build the blog locally, you can clone or download this repo, click rviews.Rproj to open it in RStudio, then install blogdown and Hugo:

blogdown::install_hugo()  # install Hugo

Now you can build and preview the website:

options(servr.daemon = TRUE)

Please note it may take a long time to render the website for the first time, but it will be faster after that.

If you want to contribute a new blog post, you can add it via

blogdown::new_post("Your Post Title")
# use the argument rmd = TRUE if you want an R Markdown post

RStudio will automatically open the post, and you can edit/preview it. Once you are done, you can submit a pull request to us, and we will review your post. You may be asked to revise the post a few times before it is accepted.