
A Keras implementation of PSPNet and SegNet

Primary LanguagePython


A Keras implementation of PSPNet[1] and SegNet[2]. Pascal VOC 2012[3] dataset was used. I was not able to upload the dataset here due to network constraints

Dataset Preprocessing

When preprocessing to generate the .npy files to feed the network, refer to 'generate_x.py' and generate_y.py'. Change the variabel voc_loc to point to the location of the PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset.

voc_loc = "/media/francis/datasets/_AADatasets/VOC2012_orig/"

Also, change the resolution of the dataset to be preprocessed by changing width and height variables. For:

PSPNet: 473 x 473
SegNet: 256 x 256

You can also change how many samples you store in 1 .npy file by changing the variable num_get. After changing the parameters, preprocess the dataset by running:

bash gen.sh

Preprocessed Data Hierarchy

Preprocessed data should be located in the working directory as indicated below: NOTE: FOLDER NAMES OF .NPY FILES ARE ABSOLUTE.

    ├── Xtrain                   # Location of Xtrain_*.npy files
    │   └─── *.npy files
    ├── Ytrain                   # Location of Ytrain_*.npy files
    │   └─── *.npy files
    ├── Xval                     # Location of Xval_*.npy files
    │   └─── *.npy files
    ├── Yval                     # Location of Yval_*.npy files
    │   └─── *.npy files
    ├── gen.sh                   # Bash script for calling generate_x.py and generate_y.py
    ├── generate_x.py            # Bash script preprocessing inputs
    ├── generate_y.py            # Bash script preprocessing ground truth labels
    ├── Resnet50.py
    ├── test.py
    ├── training.py
    └── README.md

Sample .npy files can be downloaded in this link.. The sample data are organized as follows:

    ├── 256                   # Location of 256x256 .npy files (FOR SEGNET)
    │   └─── *.npy files      # Each .npy file has 25 samples
    └── 473                   # Location of 473x473 .npy files (FOR PSPNET)
        └─── *.npy files      # Each .npy file has 25 samples

After downloading, extract and put the .npy files you want to feed into the network into their respective filenames.


In line 16, '2' should be changed to how many .npy files you have in the Xtrain folder.

    for cnt in range(2):

In line 473, '50' should be changed to how total training samples you have.

    train_samps = 50	#1464 WHOLE SET

Finally, to train the network, just run

python training.py [model_arhitecture]
python training.py pspnet
python training.py segnet

The link to the pre-trained SegNet model can be downloaded in this link.

Evaluation and Testing

To evaluate and test the trained model, just run

python test.py [set_to_be_sampled] [model_architecture]
python test.py train segnet

For now, only the SegNet weights are available and it is somewhat biased.


PSPNet was my first proposal but then I also tried SegNet to check the differences. PSPNet was definitely a deeper network hence training time was recorded to be 3x longer than SegNet at 100 epochs. The PSPNet and Segnet Implementations were from Vladkryvoruchko and preddy5 respectively. First trial of PSPNet was unsuccessful so I tried to modify the last layers to something like the last layers of SegNet since cross entropy was not working properly on 21-channel depth arrays.


This was build for EE298-F Computer Vision Deep Learning.


[1] Zhao, et al. "Pyramid Scene Parsing Network." Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2017. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1612.01105.pdf

[2] Badrinarayanan, et al. "SegNet: A Deep Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Image Segmentation." IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 2017. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1511.00561.pdf

[3] Pascal Visual Object Classes Challenge 2012. http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk/pascal/VOC/voc2012/