
Replication data for "Propaganda and Misinformation on Facebook and Twitter during the Russian Invasion of Ukraine"

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Propaganda and Misinformation on Facebook and Twitter during the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Replication data for the paper:

Pierri, F., Luceri, L., Jindal, N. and Ferrara, E., 2022. "Propaganda and Misinformation on Facebook and Twitter during the Russian Invasion of Ukraine." WebSci’23 – 15th ACM Web Science Conference

Preprint available at: https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.00419

Contact: francesco dot pierri at polimi dot it

Data description

fb_keywords.txt and tw_keywords.txt contain the lists of keywords employed to filter Facebook and Twitter data, respectively.

low_credibility.csv contains the list of low-credibility news websites.

ru_propaganda.txt contains the list of Russian propaganda websites.

political_urls.csv contains the list of web domains with a political score, as in this paper

fb_ids contains daily files with Crowdtangle platform IDs of posts used in our analysis.


Work supported in part by DARPA (contract #HR001121C0169) and PRIN grant HOPE (FP6, Italian Ministry of Education). We are thanful to Emily Chen for kindly providing access to Twitter data.