- 2
Mouse Wheel Zoom Out Bug
#225 opened by LynX-gh - 0
Link images from any folders
#226 opened by RoberAF - 1
- 2
Selecting dynamic elements hides them, until deselected.
#199 opened by nish7x - 3
yarn.lock file outdated
#201 opened by HUMENTH - 1
- 1
Some specific browsing cases page access breaks
#221 opened by gupteshwar - 4
I tried Installing Builder but this error comes
#188 opened by thayagovzig - 1
frappe.get_doc data script AssertionError
#218 opened by Saleh-E - 0
- 5
reset.css loading over http instead of https
#216 opened by clayrisser - 1
Error when creating a page
#215 opened by omarjabr - 1
- 0
Builder doesn't install
#213 opened by EasternIndustries-IT - 0
Glitch with removing HTML attributes
#211 opened by nish7x - 1
- 0
Google Font doesnt load
#197 opened by 2old4thisShit - 1
Issues with a detached component
#189 opened by nish7x - 1
FR: select multiple elements, e.g. 1st and 5th holding shift should select 1st to 5th element in elements panel.
#127 opened by NagariaHussain - 2
Error after bench --site mysite migrate
#193 opened by 2old4thisShit - 0
#192 opened by surajshetty3416 - 1
MJML support?
#181 opened by casesolved-co-uk - 1
Improving UX for font color formatting
#162 opened by nish7x - 3
- 1
Detach components if pasted from another domain
#161 opened by nish7x - 2
Bug: Data loss
#169 opened by NehaSan16 - 1
Show users and what they are editing like figma
#160 opened by michellealva - 2
Grid based Layout!
#132 opened by NagariaHussain - 2
- 0
Input element required true not set
#176 opened by RitvikSardana - 0
Max width not applied to child container
#175 opened by RitvikSardana - 1
Issue: Make preview images of builder pages private and only store latest version
#174 opened by the3dfox - 2
Cannot Access Builder on Fresh Install
#172 opened by buff0k - 1
- 3
There seems to be no DOCTYPE! declaration
#168 opened by markitgeit - 1
feat: datatables!
#152 opened by batonac - 0
(deleted issue)
#166 opened by nish7x - 1
Changes in the data script disappear when switching to another browser window.
#137 opened by 2old4thisShit - 1
Hiding parent container doesn't hide child element
#157 opened by nish7x - 3
- 3
woocommerce settings "In List View" is not allowed for Attach Image type in row 16 When I press enable synchronization I get this error help I need to sync my store I have erpnext v13
#149 opened by infoelectrofrio - 1
ERPNext Integration
#136 opened by benjamen - 0
feature-request:Add carousel in Frappe Builder
#144 opened by maheshndev - 2
Feat: Edit canva size
#140 opened by maasanto - 1
RTL support
#139 opened by surajshetty3416 - 0
Feature Request: Grid/Table control
#134 opened by yogeshvachhani - 0
- 0
Free element treating body as reference for positioning instead of actual parent (p.s. was pasted, not directly created)
#128 opened by NagariaHussain - 0
Dynamic Link is not working
#131 opened by surajshetty3416 - 0
remove dafault margin for html elements
#129 opened by sudhegan