- 1
Missing shortened months in german (maybe in other languages too) and weekview not working
#408 opened by JacobBraun - 2
[meta] Publish GitHub release and push tag for 0.8.1
#438 opened by tagliala - 3
[Feature Request] Can we can download it or export it as excel feature for the gantt chart
#407 opened by surajvastrakar - 2
Frappe gantt chart display is not correct and change view mode is not working
#445 opened by Paulami31 - 11
- 2
custom_popup_html javascript seems not to work
#453 opened by jurerejc - 0
Default year span is not changing.
#452 opened by Paulami31 - 0
Month and week mode is not working in frappe gantt
#451 opened by Paulami31 - 1
Fix position of Side header
#446 opened by iaminamcom - 1
- 1
set_scroll_position not moving Gannt Chart in scrollable area when manually set.
#444 opened by mtmulch0191 - 8
Frappe gantt chart not working
#432 opened by Paulami31 - 0
[v0.8.x]: Show Popup on click (old behavior)
#442 opened by tagliala - 0
Absence of gantt-container check for existing
#436 opened by ArtemOstapov - 0
- 3
PR Attribution
#424 opened by senti-mark-monteiro - 5
[Bug] alignment between timescale and timeline breaks in viewmodes week and month
#417 opened by Klaus-Valse - 1
- 2
Can't resolve 'frappe-gantt' (Angular app)
#429 opened by frankdenouter - 0
- 3
[Update] Bar draw in minutes
#421 opened by vipperxvr - 2
Push v0.8.0 tag on github
#426 opened by tagliala - 1
v0.8.0 changelog / release
#427 opened by tagliala - 0
Improvement: Use ```on_progress``` and ```on_date_change``` as validity checks
#425 opened by KebabRonin - 1
Current day is not always rendered
#403 opened by chiarapivetta - 3
[Feature Request] Highlight curret time in Quarter Day and Half Day view modes
#405 opened by vipperxvr - 3
- 1
- 1
- 4
Uncaught TypeError: $today is null
#413 opened by senti-mark-monteiro - 2
- 0
Scaling horizontally
#420 opened by Dygitz - 2
Npm publish : Fix Github Actions
#399 opened by TheoLaperrouse - 0
Option to disable auto-moving dependencies
#418 opened by KebabRonin - 3
Features requested
#380 opened by coda1024 - 1
Touch support stopped working
#406 opened by jesben - 1
Today button position is wrong after resize
#402 opened by chiarapivetta - 0
Some view mode don't fully fit gantt container
#401 opened by samuel-litzler - 0
Firefox: tooltip is out of screen
#398 opened by gdebrion - 4
Any one have any code for saving the changes made when dragged to a Database?
#391 opened by LeeWheeler - 1
Drag function for each task
#383 opened by chaelimheo - 2
- 0
- 0
Gantt chart open source
#379 opened by Ealekseytsev - 0
ESM version not working
#374 opened by richardhj - 1
- 2
Problem with dates while in MONTH view
#375 opened by slavenakolevaa - 3
About dark mode styles
#376 opened by BHznJNs - 2
German Language Customization
#378 opened by simongiesen - 0
Create your avatar - needs a better title
#372 opened by gwegsy