
A patch for atom plugin vim-mode-plus, fix bug the key triggers the input method when not in insert mode

Primary LanguageJavaScript

README_CN.md 简体中文

Warning: Deprecated. Vim-mode-plus has integrated the patch.

From vim-mode-plus's settings-view set autoDisableInputMethodWhenLeavingInsertMode to true(default false).


This is a patch for vim-mode-plus. In insert mode, for people who are not native speakers of English, the typed characters are not typed into the buffer immediately, they trigger the input method. When you return to normal mode, the key still triggers the input method, which results in the key corresponding to the vim command can not be applied correctly.

How to use

After installing this plug-in, without any configuration to take effect. Unfortunately, the current implementation still has some small bugs. If you have a better program, welcome to report issue.


Thans to:

  1. https://github.com/xream/atom-vim-mode-plus-auto-ime

  2. t9md/atom-vim-mode-plus#148