
A lightweight game development environment where games can be written in Wren

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

DOME - Dynamic Opinionated Minimalist Engine

A lightweight game framework which melds SDL2 and the Wren scripting language, written in C.

Image of DOME logo

For more information on how to use DOME and get started, read the docs here.

How to Use


Ensure you have the shared SDL2 libraries installed on your system first, then to build, run:

> make


Run ./dome [gamefile.wren] to run your game. If your initial file is called main.wren, just running ./dome will execute it.


Your game's entry point must contain a Game class which contains at least static init(), static update() and static draw(_) methods.

import "input" for Keyboard
import "graphics" for Canvas, Color

class Game {

  static init() {
    __x = 10
    __y = 10
    __w = 5
    __h = 5

  static update() {
    if (Keyboard.isKeyDown("left")) {
      __x = __x - 1 
    if (Keyboard.isKeyDown("right")) {
      __x = __x+ 1 
    if (Keyboard.isKeyDown("up")) {
      __y = __y - 1 
    if (Keyboard.isKeyDown("down")) {
      __y = __y + 1 
  static draw(alpha) {
    var color = Color.rgb(171, 82, 54)
    Canvas.rectfill(__x, __y, __w, __h, color)


DOME provides the following modules/methods/classes:

  • Graphics
    • Canvas
      • Rect
      • Point
      • Circle
      • Lines
    • Color
    • ImageData
      • Draw sprites loaded from files (png)
  • Input
    • Keyboard
    • Mouse
    • Gamepads
  • Filesystem
    • File reading and writing
  • Audio (stereo and mono OGG and WAV files only)


You can follow my progress on implementing DOME on my twitter.

  • Graphics
    • Triangles
  • IO
    • Asynchronous Operations
    • Audio and Graphics also
  • Network Access
    • UDP
    • HTTP client (maybe)
  • Security sandboxing (maybe)


DOME currently depends on a few libraries to achieve it's functions.

  • Wren (This is built by make automatically)
  • SDL2 (version 2.0.2 or newer, this is a shared library and you must install it seperately)
  • libffi (version 3.3 or newer, but optional and can be built by make DOME_OPT_FFI=1)
  • utf8.h
  • stb_image
  • stb_image_write
  • stb_truetype
  • stb_vorbis
  • microtar
  • optparse
  • jo_gif
  • tinydir
  • ABC_fifo (A SPMC threadpool/task dispatching FIFO I wrote for this project)

Apart from SDL2, all other dependancies are baked in or linked statically. DOME aspires to be both minimalist and cross platform, so it depends on as few external components as possible.


Example Game Resources

  • Example game and graphics are derived from this fantastic PICO-8 tutorial.
  • Aerith's Piano Theme (res/AerisPiano.ogg) by Tanner Helland is available under a CC BY-SA 3.0 license: Link
  • Game Over Theme (res/music.wav) by Doppelganger is available under a CC BY-SA 3.0 license: Link
  • Font "Memory" is provided by Eeve Somepx, and is available on their patreon here under a common sense license.