Launch Control

A tool to help you rapidly bootstrap web projects, taking care of:

  • Repository creation from a template
  • Serverless project set up
  • Project and repository linking for continuous deployment


curl | sh -


Export Relevant Variables

export GITHUB_TOKEN=<token>
export DENO_DEPLOY_TOKEN=<token> # Only required for Deno Deploy flavours
export DENO_DEPLOY_TOKEN=<token> # Only required for Cloudflare Pages flavours
export CLOUDFLARE_ACCOUNT_ID=<account_id> # Only required for Cloudflare Pages flavours


launchctl <flavour> <project_name> # e.g. launchctl svelte-astro-deno hello-world


SvelteKit on Cloudflare Pages via GitHub Actions

Astro + Svelte on Deno Deploy via GitHub Actions

Token Creation Help

Create a GitHub PAT Token

Go to your GitHub profile and create a token with repo and workflow permissions

Create a Denoy Deploy Token

Go to your Deno profile and create an access token

Create a Cloudflare Pages Token

Go to your Cloudflare profile and create a token with Cloudflare Pages edit permission