
Prism-based parsers and pretty printers

Primary LanguageHaskell

Prism-based unified parsers and pretty printers


Defining a grammar:

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

import Data.Fresnel
import Data.Fresnel.Char
import Data.Fresnel.TH

-- | A contrived and poorly-constrained type for phone numbers
data PhoneNumber = PhoneNumber
  { phoneAreaCode :: String
  , phoneNumber :: String
makeIso ''PhoneNumber

phoneNumberG :: Cons s s Char Char => Grammar s PhoneNumber
phoneNumberG = _PhoneNumber <<$>>
  literal '(' *>> replicate 2 digit <<* literal ')'
  <<*   match (many space) " "
  <<*>> replicate 8 (match (many space) "" *>> digit)

Using a grammar:

λ> parse phoneNumberG ("(07)3456  78  9  0" :: String)
Just (PhoneNumber "07" "34567890")

λ> print phoneNumberG (PhoneNumber "07" "34567890") :: String
"(07) 34567890"

Library overview

fresnel is a combinator library for building first class unified parser/printers out of prisms and isos. A parser/printer is a Prism, but most functions reference the Grammar type alias:

type Grammar s a = Prism' s (a, s)

The prism can be previewed to parse, and reviewed to print. The parse and print functions are provided for convenience.

parse :: Grammar s b -> s -> Maybe b
parse g s = fst <$> preview g s

print :: Monoid s => Grammar s b -> b -> s
print g b = review g (b, mempty)

Many familiar combinators are provided. Some have the Control.Lens.Cons.Cons type class constraint which provides for generic parser/printer that work with many types that can be (de)constructed "piecewise".

satisfy :: Cons s s a a => (a -> Bool) -> Grammar s a

symbol :: (Cons s s a a, Eq a) => a -> Grammar s a

eof :: Cons s s a a => Grammar s ()

between :: Grammar s () -> Grammar s () -> Grammar s a -> Grammar s a

many :: Grammar s a -> Grammar s [a]

many1 :: Grammar s a -> Grammar s (NonEmpty a)

replicate :: Natural -> Grammar s a -> Grammar s [a]

The analogue of fmap/(<$>) is (<<$>>) which composes an Iso into the grammar.

(<<$>>) :: Iso' a b -> Grammar s a -> Grammar s b

Product types (records) and sum types (choices) can be handled with special combinators in conjunction with isos. Template Haskell code is provided for automatically generating appropriate Iso values for your types.

(<<*>>) :: Grammar s a -> Grammar s b -> Grammar s (a, b)

(<<+>>) :: Grammar s a -> Grammar s b -> Grammar s (Either a b)

Combinators for sequencing and an analogue of (>>=) are also provided.

(<<*) :: Grammar s a -> Grammar s () -> Grammar s a

(*>>) :: Grammar s () -> Grammar s a -> Grammar s a

bind :: Grammar s a -> (a -> Grammar s b) -> (b -> a) -> Grammar s b

By the way, I lied about the type of (<<$>>). It can also be used with any old Prism'. A failed preview is a parse failure. Isos are just prisms that never fail! Here's the real type:

(<<$>>) :: Prism' a b -> Grammar s a -> Grammar s b

You can consume and print a literal value, or match an arbitrary grammar while printing a "canonical" value on review.

literal :: (Cons s s a a, Eq a) => a -> Grammar s ()

match :: Grammar s a -> a -> Grammar s ()

Mapping to/from custom data types

You can automatically generate Iso values for custom data types via the makeIso Template Haskell function.

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

import Data.Fresnel.TH (makeIso)

data Foo = A Int Char | B Bool
makeIso ''Foo

This will create the Iso:

_Foo :: Iso' (Either (Int, Char) Bool) Foo