- 1
Document or re-name protection indicators
#125 opened by ericpashman - 2
Accessing fields from SignedJWT
#129 opened by psilospore - 3
jose doesn't build with new js backend
#130 opened by tysonzero - 5
Alternative to cryptonite/crypton?
#108 opened by hasufell - 23
decodeCompact . encodeCompact /= pure
#102 opened by brandon-leapyear - 6
Parsing unprotected headers
#123 opened by ericpashman - 12
- 2
Check JWT Expiration Time Without Verifying Token
#126 opened by julmb - 4
bestJWSAlg should take a list of supported algorithms
#118 opened by kaol - 4
How do I make a JWT from an EC private key?
#121 opened by ericpashman - 1
- 1
migrate to crypton
#114 opened by frasertweedale - 1
How do I set unregistered claims without using the deprecated unregisteredClaims or addClaim methods?
#116 opened by ChrisPenner - 3
kty parameter missing in FromJSON/ ToJSON instances
#113 opened by marijanp - 3
Hackage release?
#110 opened by parsonsmatt - 1
improve `AlgorithmMismatch` reporting
#71 opened by frasertweedale - 1
Compatibility with mtl-2.3
#107 opened by sjakobi - 6
Obtain unverified payload?
#109 opened by torgeirsh - 10
JWK constructor for ECDSA Public Keys
#61 opened by ProofOfKeags - 2
- 0
X448/Ed448 support
#74 opened by frasertweedale - 11
Remove orphan instance for MonadRandom
#91 opened by pjones - 2
Another orphan instance issue
#106 opened by parsonsmatt - 2
build fails with aeson-2.0
#105 opened by juhp - 4
Moving away from `lens` to provide classy optics
#101 opened by Kleidukos - 5
- 0
- 0
- 19
JWS Signature verification failing but same jws works in NodeJs and Java
#97 opened by gtkirankumar31 - 3
Problems compiling to Android
#80 opened by rprije - 3
- 1
COSE support?
#89 opened by arianvp - 0
Support GHC 8.8
#86 opened by gwils - 3
- 3
- 3
- 2
improve `CompactDecodeError` reporting
#72 opened by frasertweedale - 1
- 1
Details on calculation of thumbprint
#76 opened by mschristiansen - 5
CompactDecodeError "expected NonEmpty a, encountered String" when JWT includes `x5t`
#75 opened by ecthiender - 2
JWK ToJSON instance
#73 opened by tmcgilchrist - 4
- 1
MonoLocalBinds warning
#69 opened by tmcgilchrist - 4
JWSInvalidSignature on token verified by
#68 opened by mackler - 2
Construct JWK from X.509 certificate
#62 opened by frasertweedale - 1
Verifying JWT with shared secret results in invalid signature error when using secret length less than 256 bits
#66 opened by ecthiender - 2
Verifying tokens from Google's SecureTokens API
#63 opened by donatello - 4
- 5
RE: JWT's and validation
#60 opened by sbditto85 - 2
test/JWT.hs: error: Duplicate instance declarations
#59 opened by juhp