
A tool to upload all the pokemon to slack emoji.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A tool to upload all the pokemon to slack emoji.



Install Docker: https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/


Install Package Locally

$ npm install slack-pokemon-emoji -g


  • team Your team name.
  • cookie Slack does not have an api to upload emoji, so we have to emulate a browser environment to pass the cookie to our request. You can find the cookie from the Chrome devtools Networks tab, and it's under Header tab of any request.




./run-docker.sh TEAM "COOKIE"

Local Install:

$ slack-pokemon-emoji TEAM "COOKIE"
# or
$ slack-pokemon-emoji -t TEAM -c "COOKIE"
# or
$ slack-pokemon-emoji team=TEAM cookie=COOKIE

How it works?

Fetch pokemon images from http://www.pokemon.com/us/pokedex/

Do this in Chrome devtools and get all the pokemon indexs

 * Quick and dirty jQuery script to extract pokemon name and image url
var pokemons = $($0).find('li').toArray().map(function(li) {
  return {
    imgSrc: $($(li).find('figure')[0]).find('img')[0].src,
    name: $($(li).find('.pokemon-info')[0]).find('h5')[0].innerHTML

Download all the images to local and resize them to 128 * 128

$ node index.js

Resize all the images and rename it to pokemonname.png

pokemons.forEach(function (pokemon) {
  var readStream = hyperquest.get(pokemon.imgSrc)
    .resize('128', '128')

Upload all images to slack

$ node uploader.js


  • gm A nodejs wrapper for imageMagick, used for resizing image
  • hyperquest A nodejs stream based http request utils
  • cheerio A nodejs module to parse html text on server side
  • form-data A nodejs module to build form data and upload to slack

Slack does not provide a upload emoji api, and this tool is inspired by slack-emojinator.

Some of the code here use ES6 syntax so you might need nodejs 4.. to run the code.
