Integration Testing (example)

To set up

Copy .env.example.env to .env, and fill out values. CONNECTION_STRING is for the website. TEST_CONNECTION_STRING should be a separate database. You don't want to use your dev database for testing, as the testing database is wiped out for each test. You do not have to use both, e.g. if you only wanted to run tests.

To run website

  • Use one terminal to run the server: npm run server
  • Use another terminal to run React server: npm start

To run integration tests

  • Run npm run integration-tests

What else?

This project is purposefully not "perfectly refactored". Some of the code is not DRY. This is intentional to make it easier to understand. One would be reasonable in expecting some of the code to be DRY'ed up in a real project.

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.