
Fraud detection system with new PAIR architecture implemented with Flink, Kafka, MOA, RocksDB based system and with a new simulator MASSES

Primary LanguageJava

Fraud Detection System

A new PAIR architecture for fraud detection system for new age internet economy that transforms,

From To
Large delay txns, online txns by privileged few, a small percentage of fraud Instant txns, sophisticated attacks (OTP stealing), adversarial attacks and ultra-scale, online txns by non-tech savvy people
“Write off approach”, after the fact, actor focussed approach Realtime, streaming, online learning with Human In the Loop
Single well-tuned algorithm Multiple algorithms (potentially weak learners), Cold start, Unseen situations, high accuracy
Siloed, difficult to change and integrate Modular, Integrative, easy to experiment & change


Key Words: Fraud, Realtime, Streaming, Scale, PAIR, MASSES, Simulator, SBE, Modularity, XACML, EAV, Markov-chain

A fast, adaptive and effective fraud detection system architecture, PAIR, is proposed and demonstrated. It allows multiple transactional data streams and supporting reference data streams with information fusion support. An ensemble of ML algorithms, with a combination of supervised/unsupervised, stream learning/offline learning and rule based are supported. The output is actionable, with multiple delivery mechanisms, to bring human in the loop. The system is responsive in reacting before the transaction completes and also in adapting to evolving situations. Later is enabled by modularity in the design to allow changes on the fly. New stream processing can be defined in a newly designed language. System provides for a set of integrative approaches, ability to define features, maintain history, compare with it and allow multiple separate processing at the same time. System is designed for scale at runtime and scale of development. A MASSES Simulator was built to validate the system from functional and non-functional (scale, response time etc.) point of view. A language for creating multiple simultaneous simulations, on the philosophy of specification by example, was built.

A modular, scalable and realtime fraud detection system - a MTech Dissertation outlining the system's objectives and design.

Fraud Detection System - slideshare

Streaming with Flink

Read the medium article - Streaming system tutorial with Flink and Kafka


Apache Kafka and Zookeeper Installation

1. Install Java and Maven

These are pre-requisites for this project.

2. ZooKeeper Framework Installation

2.1 Download the latest version of Apache ZooKeeper from:


2.2 Extract tar file using the following command

$ tar -zxf zookeeper-<version>.tar.gz
$ cd zookeeper-<version>
$ mkdir data

2.3. Create Configuration File


2.4 Start ZooKeeper Server

$ bin/zkServer.sh start

2.5 Start CLI

$ bin/zkCli.sh 

3. Apache Kafka Installation

3.1 Download Kafka To install Kafka on your machine, start here,


3.2 Extract the tar file

$ tar -zxf kafka_<version> tar.gz
$ cd kafka_<version>

3.3 Start Server $ bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties

4. Try below commands to check if Kafka is installed and is running properly.

bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic Hello-Kafka
bin/kafka-topics.sh --list --zookeeper localhost:2181
bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic Hello-Kafka
bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic Hello-Kafka --from-beginning

Make sure start-local-stream.sh is updated with versions of ZooKeeper and Kafka

How to run

This system needs the sub-systems to be running.

  • Apache Kafka
  • Apache Zookeeper
  • Flink based Stream server
  • Event generator to simulate real life events

Run following commands to bring these systems up

Run ./start-local-stream.sh         -> This brings us first two

mvn clean install                   -> This brings up third

generate events from TelecomEventGenerator  -> For fourth component

For generating eclipse project - run

mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse  

If you use vim, set this in .vimrc

autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.fdsp set syntax=javascript

autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.sim set syntax=javascript

Details of implementation

  • Focus on com.stream.telecom package
  • There are 5 streams as shown in TelecomUsageWorkflow
  • Look in alerts* folder for output