This application can be used to visualize a hierarchy using CytoscapeJS.
After cloning this repository, you need to add the file hierarchy.json
to the root level.
Hierarchy Information
The hierarchy information is expected in the following form:
interface Hierarchy {
layout: cytoscape.LayoutOptions | cytoscapeDagre.DagreLayoutOptions // will be applied to all nodes and compound nodes
readme: string // general information on the displayed hierarchy
center?: string // ID of Cytoscape element the graph will be centered on
title: string // page title
nodes: (CompoundNode | Node)[]
edges: Edge[]
represents a simple graph node:
interface Node {
id: string
name: string
shape: string // set the shape of the node, see [Cytoscape documentation](
description: string // Markdown will be rendered in the information card
hidden: boolean // if true, node will be added to Cytoscape but it will be set to 'visibility: hidden'
hinge: boolean // if true, creates a 'hinge node'
theme?: {
// optional theme information for this specific node
dark?: {
background?: string
color?: string
border?: string
light?: {
background?: string
color?: string
border?: string
A hinge node
can be used as an artificial junction point between two edges. It is displayed as a circle in the colors of an edge. See below for a more concrete example.
Compound Nodes
represents a subgraph:
interface CompoundNode {
id: string
name?: string
layout?: cytoscape.LayoutOptions | cytoscapeDagre.DagreLayoutOptions // will be applied only to the compound node's children
children: Node[]
hidden: boolean // if true, subgraph will be added to Cytoscape but it will be set to 'visibility: hidden'
// optional theme information for this specific node
theme?: {
// optional theme information for this specific node
dark?: {
background?: string
color?: string
border?: string
light?: {
background?: string
color?: string
border?: string
Note, that a compound node
can itself contain compound nodes
represents a connection between two nodes:
interface Edge {
source: string
target: string
directed?: boolean // if true, edge will not have an arrow pointing at the target
arrowShape?: string // set the target-arrow-shape of the edge, see [Cytoscape documentation](
lineStyle?: string // set the line-style of the edge, see [Cytoscape documentation](
sourceLabel?: string
label?: string
targetLabel?: string
straight?: boolean // if true, edge is set to 'curve-style: bezier' instead of 'curve-style: taxi'
style?: { [key: string]: any } // an object of [Cytoscape]( edge styles, **Use only if necessary**
Note, that edges
can be drawn between nodes
, compound nodes
, as well as node
and a compound node
The following example creates three nodes A
, B
, C
in a compound node group
with edges A-B
, A-C
, and B-C
along a hinge node hinge
"readme": "",
"title": "Example",
"center": "hinge",
"layout": {
"name": "concentric"
"nodes": [
"id": "group",
"children": [
"id": "A",
"name": "A"
"id": "B",
"name": "B"
"id": "C",
"name": "C"
"id": "hinge",
"hinge": true
"edges": [
"source": "A",
"target": "hinge",
"directed": false,
"straight": true
"source": "B",
"target": "hinge",
"directed": false,
"straight": true
"source": "C",
"target": "hinge",
"directed": false,
"straight": true