
Node.js Client and Server module implementing the Universal Plug and Play protocol UPnP

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


peer-upnp is a Node.js module implementing the UPnP protocol as described in the UPnP Device Architecture specification


  • use npm install peer-upnp to install the module.
  • run binary light example:
    1. use node node_modules/peer-upnp/test/binary-light-device.js to create and advertise a UPnP BinaryLight Device with SwitchPower service
    2. use node node_modules/peer-upnp/test/binary-light-client.js that discovers BinaryLight devices and uses SwitchPower Service to control the light.
  • or run the other example using node node_modules/peer-upnp/test/upnp-test.js to discover UPnP services on the network.


The following example shows the discovery and binding process of UPnP devices and services.

var upnp = require("peer-upnp");
var http = require("http");
var server = http.createServer();
var PORT = 8080;
// Peer is an event emitter
var peer = upnp.createPeer({
	prefix: "/upnp",
	server: server
	// listen to urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:SwitchPower:1 services
		console.log("service "+service.serviceType+" found");
			console.log("service "+service.serviceType+" disappeared");
		// Bind to service to be able to call service actions
			// Call UPnP action SetTarget with parameter NewTargetValue
				NewTargetValue: 1
			console.log((data.Status == "1" || data.Status == "true")? "Light is ON": "Light is OFF" );
		// unsubscribe from the service after 10 seconds 
	}).on("upnp:rootdevice",function(device){ // listen to root devices
		console.log("rootdevice "+device.deviceType+" found");
			console.log("rootdevice "+device.UDN+" disappeared");
	// close peer after 30 seconds

The following example shows how to create and advertise a BinaryLight device and with a SwitchPower service as specified in UPnP Lighting Controls V 1.0. Please refer to the documentation in the code.

var upnp = require("peer-upnp");
var http = require("http");
var server = http.createServer();
var PORT = 8080;
// start server on port 8080. please do this step before you create a peer

// Create a UPnP Peer. 
var peer = upnp.createPeer({
	prefix: "/upnp",
	server: server
	// advertise device after peer is ready

// Create a BinaryLight device as specified in UPnP http://upnp.org/specs/ha/UPnP-ha-BinaryLight-v1-Device.pdf.  
// Please refer for device configuration parameters to the UPnP device architecture.
var device = peer.createDevice({
	autoAdvertise: false,
	uuid: "6bd5eabd-b7c8-4f7b-ae6c-a30ccdeb5988",
	productName: "Coltram",
	productVersion: "0.0.1",
	domain: "schemas-upnp-org",
	type: "BinaryLight",
	version: "1",
	friendlyName: "BinaryLight",
	manufacturer: "Fraunhofer FOKUS",
	manufacturerURL: "http://www.fokus.fraunhofer.de",
	modelName: "BinaryLight",
	modelDescription: "BinaryLight",
	modelNumber: "0.0.1",
	modelURL: "http://www.famium.org",
	serialNumber: "1234-1234-1234-1234",
	UPC: "123456789012"

// create a SwitchPower service in the BinaryLight device as specified here http://upnp.org/specs/ha/UPnP-ha-SwitchPower-v1-Service.pdf
var service = device.createService({
	domain: "schemas-upnp-org",
	type: "SwitchPower",
	version: "1",
	// Service Implementation
	implementation: {
		GetTarget: function(inputs){
			// the result is the value of the state variable Target
			return {RetTargetValue: this.get("Target")}
		SetTarget: function(inputs){
			// set the new value of the state variable Target
			this.set("Target", inputs.NewTargetValue); 
			// notify state change of the state variable to all subscribers
			this.get("Target") == "1"? console.log("Light is ON"):console.log("Light is OFF");
		GetStatus: function(inputs){
			// the result is the value of the state variable Target
			return {ResultStatus: this.get("Target")}
	// Service Description. this will be converted to XML 
	description: {
		actions: {
			GetTarget: {
				outputs: {
					RetTargetValue: "Target", // Target is the name of the state variable
			SetTarget: {
				inputs: {
					NewTargetValue: "Target"
			GetStatus: {
				outputs: {
					ResultStatus: "Status",
		// declare all state variables: key is the name of the variable and value is the type of the variable. 
		// type can be JSON object in this form {type: "boolean"}. 
		variables: {
			Target: "boolean", 
			Status: "boolean"
// initialize the Target State Variable with 0


Released under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0, See LICENSE file.

Copyright (c) 2013 Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. acting on behalf of its Fraunhofer Institut FOKUS.

All rights reserved

Contact: famecontact@fokus.fraunhofer.de