
Specification for the bioimage.io model description file.

Primary LanguagePython

Bioimiage.io Configuration Specification

The model zoo specification contains configuration definitions for the following categories:

  • Model: configuration of a trainable (deep-learning) model.

The configurations are represented by a yaml file.

To get a quick overview of the config file, see an example file here.

Current format_version: 0.3.0

Model Specification

A model entry in the bioimage.io model zoo is defined by a configuration file <model name>.model.yaml. The configuration file must contain the following [optional] keys:

  • format_version Version of this bioimage.io configuration specification. This is mandatory, and important for the consumer software to verify before parsing the fields. The recommended behavior for the implementation is to keep backward compatibility, and throw error if the model yaml is in an unsupported format version.

  • name Name of the specification. This name should equal the name of any existing, logically equivalent object of the same category in another language/framework.

  • description A string containing a brief description.

  • authors A list of author strings. A string can be seperated by ; in order to identify multiple handles per author.

  • cite A citation entry or list of citation entries. Each entry contains of a mandatory text field and either one or both of doi and url.

  • git_repo A url to the git repository, e.g. to Github or Gitlab.
    If the model is contained in a subfolder of a git repository, then a url to the exact folder (which contains the configuration yaml file) should be used.

  • tags A list of tags.

  • license A string to a common license name (e.g. MIT, APLv2) or a relative path to the license file.

  • documentation Relative path to file with additional documentation in markdown.

  • attachments Dictionary of text keys and URI values to additional, relevant files.

  • inputs Describes the input tensors expected by this model. Must be a list of tensor specification keys.

    tensor specification keys:

    • name tensor name
    • data_type data type (e.g. float32)
    • data_range tuple of (minimum, maximum)
    • axes string of axes identifying characters from: btczyx
    • shape specification of tensor shape
      Either as exact shape with same length as axes
      or as {min minimum shape with same length as axes, step minimum shape change with same length as axes}
    • preprocessing optional description of how this input should be preprocessed
      • name name of preprocessing (currently only 'zero_mean_unit_variance' is supported)
      • kwargs key word arguments for preprocessing
        for 'zero_mean_unit_variance' these are:
        • mode: either 'fixed', 'per_dataset', or 'per_sample'
        • axes: subset of axes to normalize jointly, e.g. 'xy', batch ('b') is not a valid axis key here!
        • mean: mean if mode == fixed, e.g. (with channel dimension of length c=3, and all axes 'cxy') [1.1, 2.2, 3.3]
        • std: standard deviation if mode == fixed analogously to mean
  • outputs Describes the output tensors from this model. Must be a list of tensor specification.

  • language Programming language of the source code. For now, we support python and java.
  • framework The deep learning framework of the source code. For now, we support pytorch and tensorflow. Can be null if the implementation is not framework specific.
    language and framework define which model runner can use this model for inference.

  • weight_format format of all weight entries

  • source Language and framework specific implementation.
    This can either point to a local implementation: <relative path to file>:<identifier of implementation within the source file>
    or the implementation in an available dependency: <root-dependency>.<sub-dependency>.<identifier>
    For example:

  • ./my_function:MyImplementation

  • core_library.some_module.some_function

As some weights contain the model architecture. The source is optional (depending on weights_format)

  • sha256 SHA256 checksum of the model file (for both serialized model file or source code).
    You can drag and drop your file to this online tool to generate it in your browser.
    Or you can generate the SHA256 code for your model and weights by using for example, hashlib in Python, here is a codesnippet.
  • kwargs Keyword arguments for the implementation specified by source.
  • covers A list of cover images provided by either a relative path to the model folder, or a hyperlink starts with https.
    Please use an image smaller than 500KB, aspect ratio width to height 2:1. The supported image formats are: jpg, png, gif.
  • dependencies Dependency manager and dependency file, specified as <dependency manager>:<relative path to file>
    For example:

    • conda:./environment.yaml
    • maven:./pom.xml
    • pip:./requirements.txt
  • weights A list of weights, each weights definition contains the following fields:

    • id a unique id which will be used to refer to the weights.
    • name the name of the weights for display, it should be a human-friendly name in title case
    • description description about the weights, it is recommended to describe the how the weights is trained, and what's the dataset used for training.
    • authors a list of authors. This field is optional, only required if the authors are different from the model.
    • covers a list of cover images (see model:covers). This is used for showing how inputs and outputs look like with this weights file.
    • source link to the weights file. Preferably an url to the weights file.
    • sha256 SHA256 checksum of the model weight file specified by source (see models section above for how to generate SHA256 checksum)
    • timestamp timestamp according to ISO 8601
    • test_inputs list of URIs to test inputs as described in inputs for a single test case. Supported file formats/extensions: .npy
    • test_outputs analog to test_inputs.
    • documentation relative path to file with additional documentation in markdown.
    • tags a list of tags.
    • attachments text keys and URI values to additional, relevant files.
  • [config] A custom configuration field that can contain any other keys which are not defined above. It can be very specifc to a framework or specific tool. To avoid conflicted defintions, it is recommended to wrap configuration into a sub-field named with the specific framework or tool name.

For example:

  # custom config for DeepImageJ, see https://github.com/bioimage-io/configuration/issues/23
      # In principle the tag "SERVING" is used in almost every tf model
      model_tag: tf.saved_model.tag_constants.SERVING
      # Signature definition to call the model. Again "SERVING" is the most general
      signature_definition: tf.saved_model.signature_constants.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY
      input_size: [2048x2048] # Size of the input images  
      output_size: [1264x1264 ]# Size of all the outputs  
      device: cpu # Device used. In principle either cpu or GPU  
      memory_peak: 257.7 Mb # Maximum memory consumed by the model in the device  
      runtime: 78.8s # Time it took to run the model
      pixel_size: [9.658E-4µmx9.658E-4µm] # Size of the pixels of the input

Code snippet to compute SHA256 checksum

import hashlib

filename = "your filename here"
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
  bytes = f.read() # read entire file as bytes
  readable_hash = hashlib.sha256(bytes).hexdigest()

Example Configurations

See examples for model configurations in the subfolders models.