Nova components library: logger.pas TDLogger - write messages to log file and to SysLog server LogFrame.pas Interactive log viewer frame MemStreams.pas TMemoryStream with some improvements PJVersionInfo.pas Version Information Component (32 bit) RFUtils.pas Useful functions RFFormUtils.pas Useful functions for forms SimpleObj.pas Simple thread-safe objects (not classes!) - lock, queue, file write SimpleObjXE.pas SimpleObj for DelphiXE, without AnsiString WeakRefs.pas Shared "weak reference", that stored actual pointer to object CRCUnit.pas CRC calculation algorithms StreamIO.pas TStream as TextFile, for line-by-line reading HtmlHelp.pas HtmlHelp declarations HtmlHelpViewer.pas THtmlHelpViewer - interactive help viewer class ## Routines for data serialization ## VarLists.pas Variant List, can store multiple values. VarDicts.pas Variant Dictionary, can store values in named fields. VarSerializeBase.pas Base routines for Variant serialization BencodeUnit.pas Variant <-> Bencode serialization JsonUnit.pas Variant <-> JSON serialization DataStorage.pas Data storage with import-export to different formats ## Routines for Databases DBFunc.pas Functions for DB SnapBaseDataset.pas Base dataset for Virtual and In-memory SnapVirtualDataset.pas Virtual dataset, data provided in event handlers VMDataSet.pas In-memory dataset ## Sound and voice functions MciPlay.pas Play sound from files and from memory over MCI Speech.pas Speech syntheser definitions for Windows SpeechModule.pas TSpeechUnit - speech syntheser ## Graphics functions colorsu.pas Colors manipulations ALGraphic.pas Interpolator - pictures scaling and colors replacement ControlsRescaler.pas Controls rescaler and layouter ## System libraries VCLFixPack.pas VCL bugfix pack uDisableGhosting.pas Disable Window Ghosting in WinXP and higher