Hi! This is a little simple CFC (ColdFusion component/object) that enables sending notifications to a Growl/GNTP host. This should work under both Railo and Adobe ColdFusion and is programmed in cfscript CFML. The object works by calling the libgrowl jar, and is essentially a wrapper.
Basically it lets you send real-time alerts that pop-up on the desktop of the specified computer.
The cfc has been designed to be used as a singleton, i.e. instantiated in the Application scope or in a FW1 controller - scopes that exists for the lifetime of the application.
What would you use this for?
- Intranet situations
- Server/service monitoring for real time alerts
- Debugging
- Administrative interfaces
- Clone this repository somewhere accessible as a CFC, under your web root or in a Custom Tag path etc.
- Download and build the libgrowl java library and put that in a path where your cfml-engine can access the library, that would likely be a lib folder in the servlet container or similar.
- Now you can create an instance of the cfc in your files, and call the notify() method to send messages (might work with as well, but I switched out the libraries now, the sourceforge one doesn't allow for network notifications)
First initialize and instantiate the object:
gntp = new gntp(
gntp.notify('Title of message', 'A little test message');
gntp.notify('Da title', 'Another message');
All arguments to init() are optional:
- hostname, hostname of the growl server defaults to localhost
- pasword, for network notifications
- Application name, the name of the application defaults to APPLICATION.ApplicationName
- icon, optional url or file reference to a icon image file defaults to a default icon
- port, defaults to 23053
For notify() the title and message arguments are mandatory, the rest are optional:
- title, title of the notification required
- message, message body required
- icon, optional url or file reference to an icon image file defaults to icon chosen at init
- priority, optional priority number, higher is more important, usually between -2 and 2 defaults to 0
- sticky, boolean - defines if the notification should stick around until manually dismissed defaults to false
There is currently no exception and error handling, but I guess errors from libgrowl should propagate. Icons - I haven't gotten it to work with the new library, for anything but URL:s to icons, it might need some tweaking...
This repository and all contents are licensed under the Apache 2 license, see the license file for full details.