
This is a tutorial series for beginners of vvvv, a visual programming environment for technologists in creative coding, data and sound visualization, multimedia art, interaction design, software engineering, and the like!


A tutorial series of 38 chapters, covering all nodes and techniques to get you started with the visual programming environment vvvv and its language VL.

You can also find a short series of video tutorials based on these patches on Youtube.

If you find this material helpful, please consider supporting its development.



If you are new to vvvv, download it over at www.visualprogramming.net. These patches are optimized for the stable 5.0 release.

Afterwards, click on the little gray icon in the top left corner (the so-called Quad Menu), navigate to "Manage Nugets > Commandline" and type the following:

nuget install VL.ThePatchersGuide

When the package is successfully installed, hit F1 to open the Help Browser and scroll to the section called "ThePatchersGuide". Have fun and let me know if there are questions or problems by opening an issue on GitHub!


Part I: The Big Bang

  1. Introduction
  2. Data Types and IOBoxes
  3. Nodes and Pins
  4. Simple Math
  5. Type Conversion
  6. Colors
  7. Strings
  8. Error Handling

Part II: The Subatomic Particles

  1. 2D Rendering
  2. 3D Rendering
  3. Complex Data Types
  4. Video and Camera Input
  5. Texture Sources and Effects
  6. Mixing Skia and Stride
  7. Basic Control
  8. Conditions
  9. Animation
  10. Transformations
  11. Text Rendering

Part III: The Expansion of the Universe

  1. Spreads
  2. Iteration
  3. Spread Generators
  4. More About Loops
  5. Pads
  6. Create and Update
  7. Process Nodes
  8. Member Operations

Part IV: The Primordial Soup

  1. Mouse Input
  2. Collision
  3. Triggers and Flops
  4. Counting
  5. Keyboard Input
  6. Audio Input
  7. Ranges
  8. Boolean Logic
  9. Angles
  10. Transitions
  11. Algorithms


Many thanks to these people for buying me a Mandelbrot (or more) on Ko-Fi!

cheheart, brunotti, sunep, michaelias, CeeYaa, amir, TobyK, Johannes Timpernagel, Shaul Tzemach, m4d

Also thanks a lot to Rosi, Matthias, Ilina and Julian for proof-reading!


VL.ThePatchersGuide by chk is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0