This repository contains a Bicep template to setup:
- 1 App Service Linux,
- Azure Front Door in front
- The url will be rewritten: https://xxx/api/hello-world -> https://xxx/something-else/api/hello-world
There is also a very basic API backend to host the "hello-world" endpoint.
$subscription = "Training Subscription"
az login
az account set --subscription $subscription
$rgName = "frbar-fd-rr"
$envName = "fb001"
$location = "West Europe"
# Deploy the infrastructure
az group create --name $rgName --location $location
az deployment group create --resource-group $rgName --template-file infra.bicep --mode complete --parameters envName=$envName
# Build and Deploy the API backend
dotnet publish .\api\ -r linux-x64 --self-contained -o publish
Compress-Archive publish\* -Force
az webapp deployment source config-zip --src .\ -n "$($envName)-api-0" -g $rgName
# Test via AFD
$hostname = az afd endpoint list -g $rgName --profile-name "$($envName)-afd" --query [0].hostName -otsv
# should say Hello from HelloWorldWithOtherUrlController!
(curl "https://$($hostname)/api/hello-world" -UseBasicParsing).Content
Remove-Item publish -Recurse
az group delete --name $rgName