
Azure Front Door in front of Static Web App and App Service

Primary LanguageBicepMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains a Bicep template to setup:

  • App Service Linux,
  • Static Web App,
  • Azure Front Door in front of both.

There is also a very basic API backend and a 10 lines SPA.

Bicep template is to be run from your local. Deployment of the SPA is to be done using a GitHub Actions workflow.

Deploy the infrastructure

$subscription = "Training Subscription"

az login
az account set --subscription $subscription

$rgName = "frbar-fd-spa-api"
$envName = "frbarfdspapoc"
$location = "France Central"

az group create --name $rgName --location $location
az deployment group create --resource-group $rgName --template-file infra.bicep --mode complete --parameters envName=$envName

Build and Deploy the API backend

dotnet publish .\api\ -r linux-x64 --self-contained -o publish
Compress-Archive publish\* publish.zip
az webapp deployment source config-zip --src .\publish.zip -n "$($envName)-api" -g $rgName

Remove-Item publish -Recurse
Remove-Item publish.zip

Get the Azure Front Door endpoint

And note it for later reference.

az afd endpoint list -g $rgName --profile-name "$($envName)-afd" --query [0].hostName

Deploy the Azure Static Web App

2 options.

Option 1 - From your local, using swa

1/ Follow https://azure.github.io/static-web-apps-cli/docs/use/install

2/ Execute:

$token = az staticwebapp secrets list --name "$($envName)-ui" --query properties.apiKey
$frontDoorId = az afd profile list -g $rgName --query [0].frontDoorId 

$config = gc ./spa/staticwebapp.config.json | convertfrom-json
$config.forwardingGateway.requiredHeaders."X-Azure-FDID" = $frontDoorId.Replace("""","")
$config | convertto-json | out-file ./spa/staticwebapp.config.json -Encoding Ascii

swa deploy ./spa/ --deployment-token $token --env production

Option 2 - From GitHub with Actions

You will have to fork the GitHub repository.

1/ Create a new secret in the GitHub repository, with name AZURE_STATIC_WEB_APPS_API_TOKEN. The value for this token can be retrieved using:

az staticwebapp secrets list --name "$($envName)-ui" --query properties.apiKey

2/ In GitHub, trigger workflow Deploy Azure Static Web App and fill in the ID of the Azure Front Door instance, retrieved previously. This is used to set network restriction at deployment time, to only allow traffic from the Azure Front Door instance.

I stopped there but fetching this ID could be fully automated, using Azure CLI and a service connection.


  • Browse the app using the Azure Front Door endpoint, fetched in a previous step.
  • Both SPA and API are hosted on the same domain.
  • Direct calls to the Static Web App or the API backend are forbidden.

Tear down

az group delete --name $rgName


az afd profile list -g $rgName --query [0].frontDoorId 

az afd endpoint list -g $rgName --profile-name "$($envName)-afd" --query [0].hostName